Held At The Small Meeting Place Galley Hill
Present | Absent |
NF: Nyomie Flecknell (Chair/Clailey) JS: Joy Sumner (Secretary) MA: Mick Allsopp DaT: David Tavener (Creslow) PF: Paul Flecknell |
RA: Roy Adams (Treasurer/Cottesloe) DoT: Doug Titchmarsh |
Order of Business
- Welcome and H&S – Done
- Apologies – Received from Roy Adams and Doug Titchmarsh
- Formal approval of previous minutes – Done
- Items for discussion
- Problems
- – Updates on problems that the committee are currently tackling are given below. Other problems will be addressed as these are handled.
Problem | Detail | Update |
Trees | Issues relating to:
leaves |
This has been raised with the council and discussions are on-going. |
Estate maintenance | Issues with slip/trip hazards and overgrown footpaths | This has been raised with the council and discussions are on-going. |
Antisocial parking | Near to school and also in other locations making access difficult | Bollards and double yellow lines are being investigated as are visits from ticket wardens.
To improve pedestrian safety near to the school, a possible crossing will be raised with MKC. This will hopefully also affect the parking in the immediate area. (Other solutions such as cameras, no-parking times etc were raised but will be left for the moment.) |
Street lights | Street lighting that it not working | This has been raised with the highway agency (and, where relevant, the school) |
Dog bins | Problems with placement being away from the main footpaths, so that dog owners are not always using them | 2 pre-existing bins may be moved closer into Galley Hill.
We will request an additional bin at the Galley Hill/Fullers Slade boundary where there is currently no bin. |
- If there are (specific!) problems with trees, etc, please pass this on to the committee so that we can collect the data.
- Concerns were also raised that there may be possible future problems with Galley Hill being used as a ‘rat run’ as the Western Expansion develops. However, this is not yet felt to be an issue.
- Litter bins as well as dog bins were requested.
- The round-about in the playground is broken.
- Local activities
- Current activities:
Activity | Detail |
Coffee mornings | For all Galley Hill citizens
Tuesday morning (10-12 a.m.) at the small meeting place above the shop. 2 sessions so far, with the kick-off morning on 7th March. Looking for volunteers to get involved with running the sessions. Interest was expressed in adding talks, trips, etc in the future. |
- Activities for the future:
Activity | Detail |
Open Garden/Courts Competition | Summer? |
Christmas event | (singing/Santa) Looking into combined events with Fullers Slade |
Picnic | |
Disco | |
Queen’s Anniversary Event |
- Milton Keynes at 50 (2017)
- Update on Bench – need to complete GHRA registration
- Party on GH – School is interested in engaging, but needs permission. This event would be held later in the year (possibly early September) to prevent clashes with other events in MK.
- Funding
- Sources?
- Bank Account – At a vote, the residents unanimously agreed that 3 committee members are sufficient signatories for the bank account. (Full list of committee members given in ‘people’ box at top of document)
- Insurance – insuremyevent.com was mentioned as having affordable cover for 1-5 events/year. (Used by FSRA.)
- Communication
- “Noose” – If you are interested in submitting an article, please get in contact via the website – email news using this link
- Facebook – “Friends of Galley Hill”
- Google drive
- Email/paper notices – note that some courts are not getting all notices
- Notice board – on-going
- Website – GHRA.uk – Residents are encouraged to use the website
- Neighbourhood watch
- If you are interested in joining, there is an online form (on GHRA.uk)
- PCSOs were also raised and it was suggested that they be invited to attend one of the coming GHRA meetings.
- Any other business
- A new sign has been requested for Redborne as the current one is missing
- Visitors will be invited to future GHRA meetings. Currently Mick is talking to a member of YourMK. Following the earlier discussion, the local PCSOs will be invited (on a different evening) as will members from MKC. If you have any visitors that you would like invited to GHRA, please contact us using the GHRA.uk website.
- Date of next meeting:
Provisional dates for the next 2017 meetings (general and committee) are on Thursdays at 7pm.
General Meeting | Committee Meeting |
16th March | 20th April |
18th May | 15th June |
20th July | 17th August |
21st September | 19th October |
16th November | 14th December |
AGM annual general meeting
AIM added in meeting (not on original agenda)
AOB any other business
FSRA Fullers Slade Residents Association
GH Galley Hill
GHRA Galley Hill Residents Association
H&S health and safety
MKC Milton Keynes Council
SSTC Stony Stratford Town Council
Disclaimer: Every attempt has been made to make this document a true and representative recording of events. If you have a concern about the content, please contact the committee as soon as is reasonably practical.
Action | On? | Date Set | Update |
Date of GHRA’s next General Meeting to be set for 2 months | Committee | 26/01/2017 | Done |
Discuss route for solving problems/promoting activities in committee meeting to bring to next open meeting | Committee | 26/01/2017 | Done – see noted in minutes |
Request an additional dog bin at the Galley Hill/Fullers Slade boundary where there is currently no bin. If possible, this should be at a suitable height for wheelchair users. | Committee | 16/03/2017 | |
Look into getting additional litter bins. | Committee | 16/03/2017 | |
Coffee morning (Tuesday 10-12) volunteers wanted. | GH residents | 16/03/2017 | |
Investigate the possibility of advertising the coffee mornings in the shop window. | Committee | 16/03/2017 | |
If you are interested in submitting an article for GH newsletter, Noose, , please get in contact via the website. | GH residents | 16/03/2017 | |
Invite PCSOs to one of the coming meetings. | Committee | 16/03/2017 |