The Galley Hill Residents Carol Singing evening was successfully delivered on Tueday 19th December by the Residents Association and some volunteers. Headed by Roy and Joy from the Galley Hill Residents Association, assisted by Mr. Salter the St. Mary St. Giles School headmaster, and supported by Sue Titchmarsh, Phoebe Titchmarsh, Bianca Titchmarsh and others along the way. Thanks to Dave, our Vice Chair for the pictures and video.
A big thank you to all who attended and all who supported them around the courts. A special thanks to Sue Fitch who helped organise the event but had to work and missed the actual singing.
Merry Christmas from all at Galley Hill Residents Association and we hope to see more of you getting involved in 2018.
Don’t forget that Tuesday 19th December 2017 sees the final GHRA Coffee Morning of 2017 from 10am at the small meeting place above the shop.
It is also the GHRA carol singing starting at the same place at 6pm and touring Galley Hill.
Hope some of you can make it.
The usual crew will be opening the Small Meeting Place for the Coffee Mornings as usual (10:00 till 12:00 noon)on Tuesday December 12th, and December 19th but they will be taking a rest over the Xmas week. The 2nd of January will see the first Coffee Morning of 2018.
The GHRA Coffee Mornings are still growing, as you can see from the pictures below.
It would be great to see more of those who are usually working attend if you can on any of these Tuesdays.
Thanks for your support
The Galley Hill Residents Association Committee
Website for the Galley Hill Residents Association, Milton Keynes