Minutes of GHRA Meeting 18th August 2017

Minutes:  Committee Meeting #6

Thursday, 17th august, 2017 (7pm)

Small Meeting Place Galley Hill


Welcome and H&S

Nyomie welcomed our two visitors PCSO Tina Lewington and SSTC Chairman Joan Walker MBE

Attendees: Nyomie Flecknell, Roy Adams, Douglas Titchmarsh, David Tavener, Paul Randall, Gill Millar, Janet Randall, Debbie Styles, Mick Allsopp, May Gray, V Harrison, Tina Lewington, Joan Walker MBE.

Apologies: Vicky Wiginton, Joy Sumner

Formal approval of previous minutes (available online at GHRA.uk)

There were no issues raised and the minutes were approved.

We deviated from the posted agenda to hear from our two guests.

The meeting started with Nyomie asking Tina four questions which had been submitted in advance. abbreviated replies in italics

  1. are we going to have more police presence on GH?

Tina replied that unfortunately that would not be the case

  1. what is being done about crime taking place on GH?

Tina replied that this was just a spike and that Police were reliant on community cooperation to resolve.

  1. what can we do to reassure people worried about the rise in crime

Police do their best to attend events like this to reassure people by increased contact

  1. what is causing the crime wave on GH?

as stated earlier it’s just a typical spike and we need to be vigilant and report crime

Nyomie and attendees thanked Tina for her time and providing the feedback and reassurance we sought. Tina then left the meeting to resume her duties.

David T requested the meeting adopt GHRA proposal for individuals to use CCTV and speed camera software as there had been no objections from the newsletter survey. With no objections from the meeting we will proceed.

Mick introduced SSTC Chairman Joan Walker MBE and invited her to address the meeting. Joan wanted to return to clear up some misunderstandings that had taken place during the previous Council meeting held at the SMP. Joan described how the council works, what they can and cannot do and how their hands are tied by strict procedures.

Nyomie thanked Joan for attending and clarifying the Council’s position and everyone looks forward to working with SSTC in the spirit of mutual appreciation & goodwill

We then returned our attention to the formal agenda.

Discuss up-coming committee position changes (Chair, vice-chair, events)

Nyomie mentioned that there were two nominations to date but that we did need people from the estate to seriously consider volunteering to help their friends and neighbours. The pay is lousy but job satisfaction is high.

Set dates for coming meetings

Mick was asked to contact Pastor Kumi and try to arrange a further year of the third Thursday every month in 2018 with the meeting starting earlier at 18:30.


Roy has had funding confirmed, some final paperwork to complete and get the school children involved in design with artist/carver.

Local activities

Coffee mornings. Proceeding well and to be mentioned in next SSTC Newsletter with open invitation.

Discos & picnics

Open Garden & Counts Competition

Milton Keynes at 50

Christmas Events (singing/Santa)


Roy is pursuing other sources, all donations welcome, our bank details are on the web site.


“Noose” newsletter: Please let us have articles or items you would like included

“Friends of Galley Hill” Facebook page

Notice board: this will apparently require an £80 license to relocate!

Website – GHRA.uk



David T mentioned that several initiatives had been blocked by MK Council without reasonable explanation. The outcome of the brief discussion was to invite the council leader Peter Marland to our next meeting to explain why. David was tasked with producing a letter inviting Mr Marland to the meeting.

Any other business: none

Dates of next meetings:

General Meeting Committee Meeting
21st September 19th October
16th November 14th December

Galley Hill Bad News Good News

It might seem that lately all we hear is bad news around our estate. Recently more cars have been broken into, we have heard of more houses being burgled, more antisocial behaviour around Galley Hill. Yes, we are afraid that all this is true and all we can do is work together as a community to keep an eye on each other, and watch fir suspicious activity, and help out where we can by reporting it when we spot it.

Having passed on the negativity to all who read this, let’s talk about the positives we have too. Recently somebody on Galley Hill got a stolen bicycle back after posting about the theft in our Facebook group, Friends Of Galley Hill. People are also using the social media pages to alert others of suspicious activity and strangers in the area. Working together we can help to prevent these terrible things from happening (see the links to the Neighbourhood Watch scheme for Galley hill available above this post).

As I walked around the area recently with our dog, it struck me what a beautiful area we live in too. It inspired me to write about the bad so we can also recognise the good stuff and to share the following pictures to prove we do have positives to be proud of..
















As you can see, we do live in a beautiful area, one which we can be proud of, and we should all work together to keep it this way!

If you have any stories, or pictures of the area around Galley Hill to share with us, please get in touch so we can put them here for all of our neighbours to see.

Nominations Needed

We need your help here at Galley Hill Residents Association, we need some new committee volunteers.

  • The deadline for Vice Chair nominations has been pushed back 1 month to August 17th and for election to September, please nominate or volunteer to be our Vice Chair

The Events Organiser position is also up for election in September (nominations need to be in by  August 17th)

  • Please contact us either via court reps or the website if you would like to stand.  You (or a proxy) will have to make a brief speech at the September meeting to support your bid before the meeting and this must be on the website by August committee meeting.
  • Also vote for a new Chairperson in November (nominations must be in by October!)

Please help us to fill these positions, comment below to volunteer or nominate someone before our next meeting on 17th August at the Small Meeting Place above the Galley Hill shop.