Nature Area, Sorry for the short notice but wondering if anyone is free Sunday and would like to help with starting to get our nature area up and running! I am picking up some bat boxes tomorrow and some simple devices to find out if we have any hedgehogs (it’s still mild and Parks Trust would be interested to see if we can record any). Parks trust are also supplying bat boxes and The Wild Bird Cafe are supplying bird food and hedgehog food and a couple of small bird nest boxes to get us started. Would be really, really kind if anyone has a ladder and dosent mind going about 7ft up a tree. All are very welcome of all ages shouldn’t be too long if anyone can help please message, Please come along Sunday 18th at 12.00 at the Caterpillar Park and we can go from there. Really appreciate any help x
Monthly Archives: November 2018
GHRA Update – Christmas is Coming
Hello residents of Galley Hill, once again we have one of our infrequent updates for you. As usual we have a mixture of good and bad things to report, so we will start with the bad.
It seems that once again Galley Hill is being targeted by the less savoury elements of society. We will start with the reports of some antisocial behaviour from the younger members of the community during the end of the summer holidays. The police were made aware during one of our GHRA meetings and also by some of the victims of the behaviour. You may have had a leaflet from Thames Valley Police about this, a little late but the police are busy and understaffed.
More recently people on Galley Hill have been reporting someone hanging around the cars in the neighbourhood and trying the door handles during the early hours of the mornings. There are some CCTV videos and posts online on the Friends Of Galley Hill Facebook group to see if anyone can help identify the person(s) involved. There have also been reports of thefts from gardens and sheds of bicycles and other items.
Please remember to report all suspicious activity, thefts and antisocial behaviour to the police, as it helps them to build a profile and alerts them if they need to deploy extra patrols in the area. Dial 101 for non emergency reports, only use 999 in emergencies or if a crime is still in progress.
Now onto the better things, following our recent quiz night organised by the GHRA events team we will be having some Christmas themed events during December.
Starting with a carol singing around Galley Hill on the 11th of December, during which some volunteers (yep, that’s a great idea for you to volunteer to join them too, well done) will be going around the courts and singing Christmas Carols. All are welcome to join in, they will be meeting at the school at 6:00 PM. Singers will be accompanied by members of the Stony Stratford Church Band. It is being rumoured that afterwards there may be Mince pies and a hot beverage back at the SMSG school.
Thanks again to St. Mary St. Giles School our events team have been granted permission to use the school grounds to host a Christmas event for Galley Hill and the surrounding areas. This will be along similar lines to the successful Easter event earlier this year. The event will be free, paid for from the GHRA funds, and will include Christmas craft making for children, refreshments for children and adults, prizes and gifts and more to be announced as the events team are still busy organising things and gently persuading our treasurer to part with more funds along the way.
The Christmas event will be on the 15th December from 12:00 to 3:00 PM. All are welcome, from Galley Hill, and our neighbours at Fullers Slade and Stony Stratford and beyond.
Hope we will see you at some of our events, stay alert to unusual behaviour and stay safe.
From the Committee of the Galley Hill Residents Association