Tag Archives: minutes

Minutes of GHRA Meeting 19th October 2017

Galley Hill Residents Association

Minutes: Committee meeting #7Thursday, 19th October (18:45) Small Meeting Place

We built this city….!

  1. Welcome and H&S – Done
  2. Apologies – Paul Bartlett, Debbie X, Paul F and Peter Barry
  3. Formal approval of previous minutes
    1. Done
    2. Minor Changes (New Vice Chair elected not selected)
  4. Items for Discussion
    1. Financial update
      1. Tree carving (£1,500 grant received)
      2. Events (£400 grant received)
        1. £80 will go to insurance for events from this (100 people in SMP)
        2. What will be the first event we run?
          1. GHRA 1 year anniversary (November)
          2. Christmas Carols
          3. Summer event (but next year)
          4. Disco
      3. Coffee morning (£30)
      4. Possible donation via Liz Gifford (£300)
        1. Suggestions for use include: (1) newsletter sponsorship; (2) mural for Galley Hill’s History around the Large Meeting Place; (3) official stamp for GHRA; (4) other suggestions welcome
      5. In the pipeline:  £400 (outcome unknown currently)
    2. Tree carving
      1. Carving has not yet happened; Sally will talk to School about finalising a plan; tree-carver has shown images of similar work
      2. Likely to be started in half-term
      3. An offcut will be donated as a timeline plaque for the school
      4. Publicity around this (newspaper, newsletter, Town Crier, Look East, photos)
    3. Communication
      1. Response to emails: Complaint
        1. We are not replying to email apparently
        2. Please response quickly.
        3. Copying everyone on the committee in helps avoid problems if one person misses it.
      2. Noose
        1. Hasn’t been printed this month due to lack of sponsor
        2. Committee agrees that if no comments on a draft are received in 7 days, the newsletter will go to print.
        3. Court reps will now also be added to the editorial circulation list for checking the newsletter.
      3. This month the noose will be paid for by GHRA as there is no sponsor.  (Approval was also granted to pay for a second unsponsored newsletter)
    4. Anti-Social Behaviour
      1. Incidents have been reported.
      2. Paul Bartlett has been looking into this. Suggestion made that all parties involved work together to promptly resolve rather than passing problem from one to the other.
    1. Neighbourhood Watch

Milton Keynes Neighbourhood Watch invited scheme co-ordinators to their AGM in the Civic Offices on Saturday the 14th of October.

DPT attended and saw presentations from Chief Inspector Neil Kentish TVP and MKCouncil Safer MK http://www.safermk.com/ Colin Wilderspin

MKNHW want to expand within communities and SaferMK want to incorporate Community resilience.

Colin Harmsworth of JCAC (who also attending the meeting) has asked GHRA if he can attend our next public meeting to introduce this charity and its aims as they intend to provide community training that will help community resilience.

DPT also attended meeting in Wolverton on Tuesday evening to see a new Community Forum being introduced by TVP. The purpose of the Community Forum is to bring together, at a local level, the right organisations and members of the public to tackle the top community safety priorities identified through consultation.

      1. MK NW AGM attended by David – There was a discussion of crime in MK
      2. There is interest in having a community disaster planning
      3. Training may be available for First Responders – there will be a presentation about this at GHRA’s next (November) GHRA.
    1. GHRA Official Response
      1. To Peter Marland – MK Council says that the parish council must do the work instead.  It was agreed that a reply needs to be drafted.  GHRA and Mick and Paul should be obviously copied in on our reply.  GHRA would like to express their displeasure with this disengagement.
      2. To SSTC Town Hall (Council Offices) Refurbishments – it is understood that the £290k cost is to be covered by the parish council; there is concern that this cost will be passed onto local residents via an increase in local tax rates.  A vote was carried for GHRA to send a letter to the parish council stating that there is ‘concern about possible impact on increasing local tax rates’.
    2. Inspiring involvement of more GH residents
      1. Give gifts to children at Christmas with GHRA info on to raise awareness.  200 children at South Site School.  Ideas include pens, pencils, book marks,
      2. Christmas carol event may raise profile of GH and our residents association.
      3. Possible future NAG (Neighbourhood Action Group) may be set up.
      4. Do we want to run a survey?
  1. AOB
    1. Estate maintenance
      1. GHRA and Pastor K to look into talking to the council on having maintenance.
    2. Event: 1st Anniversary Party at Conservative Club – Mick to organise.  Some level of ticketing (can be free) to confirm numbers will be needed.
    3. Event:  Carol Singing (check doesn’t clash with SS Church).  Look into police permission.
    4. Notice board (Thursday 8:30 a.m.) will actually be moved.
  2. Next Meeting
    1. 16th November

Minutes of GHRA Meeting 18th August 2017

Minutes:  Committee Meeting #6

Thursday, 17th august, 2017 (7pm)

Small Meeting Place Galley Hill


Welcome and H&S

Nyomie welcomed our two visitors PCSO Tina Lewington and SSTC Chairman Joan Walker MBE

Attendees: Nyomie Flecknell, Roy Adams, Douglas Titchmarsh, David Tavener, Paul Randall, Gill Millar, Janet Randall, Debbie Styles, Mick Allsopp, May Gray, V Harrison, Tina Lewington, Joan Walker MBE.

Apologies: Vicky Wiginton, Joy Sumner

Formal approval of previous minutes (available online at GHRA.uk)

There were no issues raised and the minutes were approved.

We deviated from the posted agenda to hear from our two guests.

The meeting started with Nyomie asking Tina four questions which had been submitted in advance. abbreviated replies in italics

  1. are we going to have more police presence on GH?

Tina replied that unfortunately that would not be the case

  1. what is being done about crime taking place on GH?

Tina replied that this was just a spike and that Police were reliant on community cooperation to resolve.

  1. what can we do to reassure people worried about the rise in crime

Police do their best to attend events like this to reassure people by increased contact

  1. what is causing the crime wave on GH?

as stated earlier it’s just a typical spike and we need to be vigilant and report crime

Nyomie and attendees thanked Tina for her time and providing the feedback and reassurance we sought. Tina then left the meeting to resume her duties.

David T requested the meeting adopt GHRA proposal for individuals to use CCTV and speed camera software as there had been no objections from the newsletter survey. With no objections from the meeting we will proceed.

Mick introduced SSTC Chairman Joan Walker MBE and invited her to address the meeting. Joan wanted to return to clear up some misunderstandings that had taken place during the previous Council meeting held at the SMP. Joan described how the council works, what they can and cannot do and how their hands are tied by strict procedures.

Nyomie thanked Joan for attending and clarifying the Council’s position and everyone looks forward to working with SSTC in the spirit of mutual appreciation & goodwill

We then returned our attention to the formal agenda.

Discuss up-coming committee position changes (Chair, vice-chair, events)

Nyomie mentioned that there were two nominations to date but that we did need people from the estate to seriously consider volunteering to help their friends and neighbours. The pay is lousy but job satisfaction is high.

Set dates for coming meetings

Mick was asked to contact Pastor Kumi and try to arrange a further year of the third Thursday every month in 2018 with the meeting starting earlier at 18:30.


Roy has had funding confirmed, some final paperwork to complete and get the school children involved in design with artist/carver.

Local activities

Coffee mornings. Proceeding well and to be mentioned in next SSTC Newsletter with open invitation.

Discos & picnics

Open Garden & Counts Competition

Milton Keynes at 50

Christmas Events (singing/Santa)


Roy is pursuing other sources, all donations welcome, our bank details are on the web site.


“Noose” newsletter: Please let us have articles or items you would like included

“Friends of Galley Hill” Facebook page

Notice board: this will apparently require an £80 license to relocate!

Website – GHRA.uk



David T mentioned that several initiatives had been blocked by MK Council without reasonable explanation. The outcome of the brief discussion was to invite the council leader Peter Marland to our next meeting to explain why. David was tasked with producing a letter inviting Mr Marland to the meeting.

Any other business: none

Dates of next meetings:

General Meeting Committee Meeting
21st September 19th October
16th November 14th December

Minutes of the GHRA Committee Meeting No. 5 15th June 2017

Minutes: Committee Meeting #5

15th June, 2017 (7pm)

Small Meeting Place


Present Absent

NF: Nyomie Flecknell (Chair/Clailey)

JS: Joy Sumner (Secretary)

MA: Mick Allsopp

PF: Paul Flecknell

DoT: Doug Titchmarsh

RA: Roy Adams (Treasurer/Cottesloe)

DaT: David Tavener (Creslow)

Pete Barry

Anne Davis

Nora Reidy

Adam Elsworth


Order of Business

  1. Welcome and H&S– done
  2. Apologies– done
  3. Formal approval of previous minutes – done
  1. Committee Reports/Update on Actions and Items for discussion
    1. New Items
      1. Licencing – license application being discussed
      2. Antisocial behaviour – Discussions ongoing with SSTC.
      3. Neighbourhood watch – General positive response. Signs have gone up. More members are always welcome. Coordinated by DaT.
      4. Local GH issues – GH and GHRA are keen to engage with SSTC and MKC on issues relating to GH.
      5. SSTC rate increase – Parish Council has raised rates 7.5% and yet no one has complained. JS/NF to write official note expressing concern and hoping it isn’t setting a precedent for following years.
      6. Attendance of Town Councillors linked to GH – Interest expressed in Councillor Paul Bartlett attending GHRA events.
      7. Procedure for discussing and agreeing actions between meetings – Email contact to set up meeting – 3 committee members are sufficient to make decisions. Decision must be reported by email to rest of committee.
      8. (Security) cameras on estate – Interest due to burglary. Depends on whether others object. If no objections, then cameras can go up. Notices are needed to identify this.
      9. Motorcycle noise – it has been noted that motorcycles have been riding back and forth on the estate is late afternoon/early evening. This has been reported to the police.
      10. Council Wall Repairs – DaT proposed a scheme which is currently being pursued by the SSTC Deputy Clerk on GHRA behalf.
    1. SSTC meeting
      1. Trees/leaves/landscaping – The last tree maintenance for the estate was a long time ago, and this will be raised at the next council meeting. (Adam to speak on this to the Parish Council)
      2. Pathway/road problems – This may be possible to tackle in the medium term if we act as a community. (Debbie to speak on this to the Parish Council)
      3. Other – Rubbish put outside at the wrong time (consistently). The fire-brigade has been contacted, but this isn’t currently considered a fire hazard. (Nyomie on behalf for Mrs Reidy to speak on this to the Parish Council)
      4. Want to encourage GH residents to attend.
    1. Local activities
      1. Discos & picnics – September Event (but the insurance is only for 100 people).
    1. Communication
      1. “Noose” newsletter- Next newssheet is ready for printing. Has been okayed by committee. Doug has volunteered to act as deputy editor; supporting Dave.
      2. School newsletter will carry a note about GHRA.
    1. Problems
      1. Speed limit and traffic control – New technique for recording speed will be trailed. Newsletter is asking for resident association. It is also noted that the signs for ‘30’ have gone from one of the GH entrances.
      2. Request for new road sign requesting ‘no ball games’ on Bunsty.
    1. Insurance/Funding
      1. Sources? Insurance is important now. Zurich is £80 and can be done (for one year, but for a max. of 100 people per event). Committee approved this use. Roy is going to sort it out.
      2. MK council has us on their residents’ association website and funding will be arranged. We are currently ‘white’ with them.
    1. Defining role of committee
      1. Progress with GHRA registration – Done
      2. Code of Conduct approval
  1. Confirmation of next meeting dates

General Meeting Committee Meeting
20th July 17th August
21st September 19th October
16th November 14th December

SSTC meeting on 18th July @ SMP


AGM annual general meeting

AOB any other business

GH Galley Hill

H&S health and safety

SSTC Stony Stratford Town Council

TBC to be confirmed



Action On? Date Set Update
Request an additional dog bin at the Galley Hill/Fullers Slade boundary where there is currently no bin. If possible, this should be at a suitable height for wheelchair users. Committee 16/03/2017 On going
Look into getting additional litter bins. Committee 16/03/2017 Quote for bins has been given. Action currently closed until funds can be raised.
Coffee morning (Tuesday 10-12) volunteers wanted. GH residents 16/03/2017 On going
Investigate the possibility of advertising the coffee mornings in the shop window. Committee 16/03/2017 Carried over
If you are interested in submitting an article for GH newsletter, Noose, please get in contact via the website. GH residents 16/03/2017 This action repeats – our first newsletter has been successfully delivered
Invite PCSOs to one of the coming meetings. Committee 16/03/2017 Done.

PCSOs have attended GH coffee mornings

Discuss registering GHRA with the council Nyomie F 2016-11-30 Done
Find volunteers for court reps Dave T 2016-11-30 On going
For General Meeting of GHRA, make a list to see if there is interest in a children’s club Nyomie F 2016-11-30 Carried over
Talk to Sue about the potential for using the school in the summer Nyomie F 2016-11-30 Carried over
Investigate possible funding for a GH party for MK’s 50th. Mick A

And Paul F / Social Sub-Committee

2016-11-30 Carried over
Book meeting rooms Mick 2016-12-07 Done – standing action
Add actions of previous committee meetings to GHRA website Joy/Doug 2017-02-27 Done – standing action
Look into possibilities and application process for the national lottery Roy 2017-02-27 Carried over
Arrange a ‘social’ GHRA email address Doug/Paul 2017-02-27 Carried over
Add link to YourMK on the GHRA website Doug 20/04/2017
Get correct text from Roy to add to minutes Roy/Joy 20/04/2017 Done
Add details for Resident Involvement Meetings to website David 20/04/2017
Raise issue with parking/blocking access to houses with council clark Mick 20/04/2017
Need article for Town Crier – This one will be based on Coffee morning Roy/ Mick/ Nyomie 20/04/2017
Look into alcohol related issues around GH David 15/06/2017
Note to SSTC from GHRA regarding rate increases Nyomie/Joy 15/06/2017
Arrange Zurich insurance (depending on GHRA bank balance) Roy 15/06/2017



Appendix: Outstanding Points for Discussion at Later Meetings

    1. Local activities
      1. Coffee mornings
      2. Open Garden & Counts Competition
      3. Milton Keynes at 50
      4. Christmas Events (singing/Santa)
    1. Communication
      1. “Friends of Galley Hill” Facebook page
      2. Notice board
      3. Website – GHRA.uk
      4. Documents for SSTC website
      5. Documents for SSTC ‘Town Crier’
    1. Problems
      1. Trees/leaves/landscaping
      2. Antisocial parking
      3. Pathway/road problems
      4. Problems with local street lighting not working
      5. The state of the local park/playground area
      6. Blocked drains near to the shop leading to local flooding
      7. Need for more dog bins on the estate, especially near the footpaths
      8. Bins, in particular the problems with using bags that can be easily torn and early placement at the kerbside
      9. Abandoned cars on the estate
      10. Potholes
      11. Cleaning – Also linked to volunteer cleaning?
      12. Redbourn Road sign is missing
    1. Insurance/Funding
      1. Bank Account


Minutes: General Open Meeting #3 Thursday, 16th March, 2017


Held At The Small Meeting Place Galley Hill


Present Absent

NF:  Nyomie Flecknell (Chair/Clailey)

JS:  Joy Sumner (Secretary)

MA:  Mick Allsopp

DaT: David Tavener (Creslow)

PF: Paul Flecknell
See sign-up sheet for other attendees


RA:  Roy Adams (Treasurer/Cottesloe)

DoT: Doug Titchmarsh

Order of Business

  1. Welcome and H&S – Done
  1. Apologies – Received from Roy Adams and Doug Titchmarsh
  1. Formal approval of previous minutes – Done
    1. Items for discussion


  • Problems
  • – Updates on problems that the committee are currently tackling are given below.  Other problems will be addressed as these are handled.


Problem Detail Update
Trees Issues relating to:


This has been raised with the council and discussions are on-going.
Estate maintenance Issues with slip/trip hazards and overgrown footpaths This has been raised with the council and discussions are on-going.
Antisocial parking Near to school and also in other locations making access difficult Bollards and double yellow lines are being investigated as are visits from ticket wardens.

To improve pedestrian safety near to the school, a possible crossing will be raised with MKC.

This will hopefully also affect the parking in the immediate area.

(Other solutions such as cameras, no-parking times etc were raised but will be left for the moment.)

Street lights Street lighting that it not working This has been raised with the highway agency (and, where relevant, the school)
Dog bins Problems with placement being away from the main footpaths, so that dog owners are not always using them 2 pre-existing bins may be moved closer into Galley Hill.

We will request an additional bin at the Galley Hill/Fullers Slade boundary where there is currently no bin.


        1. If there are (specific!) problems with trees, etc, please pass this on to the committee so that we can collect the data.
        2. Concerns were also raised that there may be possible future problems with Galley Hill being used as a ‘rat run’ as the Western Expansion develops.  However, this is not yet felt to be an issue.
        3. Litter bins as well as dog bins were requested.
        4. The round-about in the playground is broken.
      1. Local activities


  • Current activities:


Activity Detail
Coffee mornings For all Galley Hill citizens

Tuesday morning (10-12 a.m.) at the small meeting place above the shop.

2 sessions so far, with the kick-off morning on 7th March.

Looking for volunteers to get involved with running the sessions.

Interest was expressed in adding talks, trips, etc in the future.


  • Activities for the future:


Activity Detail
Open Garden/Courts Competition Summer?
Christmas event (singing/Santa) Looking into combined events with Fullers Slade
Queen’s Anniversary Event
      1. Milton Keynes at 50 (2017)
        1. Update on Bench need to complete GHRA registration
        2. Party on GH School is interested in engaging, but needs permission.  This event would be held later in the year (possibly early September) to prevent clashes with other events in MK.
      2. Funding
        1. Sources?
        2. Bank Account At a vote, the residents unanimously agreed that 3 committee members are sufficient signatories for the bank account.  (Full list of committee members given in ‘people’ box at top of document)
        3. Insurance – insuremyevent.com was mentioned as having affordable cover for 1-5 events/year.  (Used by FSRA.)
      3. Communication
        1. “Noose” If you are interested in submitting an article, please get in contact via the website – email news using this link
        2. Facebook – “Friends of Galley Hill”
        3. Google drive


  • Email/paper notices – note that some courts are not getting all notices


        1. Notice board on-going
        2. Website – GHRA.uk – Residents are encouraged to use the website
      1. Neighbourhood watch


  • If you are interested in joining, there is an online form (on GHRA.uk)
  • PCSOs were also raised and it was suggested that they be invited to attend one of the coming GHRA meetings.


    1. Any other business


  • A new sign has been requested for Redborne as the current one is missing
  • Visitors will be invited to future GHRA meetings.  Currently Mick is talking to a member of YourMK.  Following the earlier discussion, the local PCSOs will be invited (on a different evening) as will members from MKC.  If you have any visitors that you would like invited to GHRA, please contact us using the GHRA.uk website.



  1. Date of next meeting:

Provisional dates for the next 2017 meetings (general and committee) are on Thursdays at 7pm.


General Meeting Committee Meeting
16th March 20th April
18th May 15th June
20th July 17th August
21st September 19th October
16th November 14th December



AGM annual general meeting

AIM added in meeting (not on original agenda)

AOB any other business

FSRA Fullers Slade Residents Association

GH Galley Hill

GHRA Galley Hill Residents Association

H&S health and safety

MKC Milton Keynes Council

SSTC Stony Stratford Town Council


Disclaimer:  Every attempt has been made to make this document a true and representative recording of events.  If you have a concern about the content, please contact the committee as soon as is reasonably practical.


Action On? Date Set Update
Date of GHRA’s next General Meeting to be set for 2 months Committee 26/01/2017 Done
Discuss route for solving problems/promoting activities in committee meeting to bring to next open meeting Committee 26/01/2017 Done – see noted in minutes
Request an additional dog bin at the Galley Hill/Fullers Slade boundary where there is currently no bin.  If possible, this should be at a suitable height for wheelchair users. Committee 16/03/2017
Look into getting additional litter bins. Committee 16/03/2017
Coffee morning (Tuesday 10-12) volunteers wanted. GH residents 16/03/2017
Investigate the possibility of advertising the coffee mornings in the shop window. Committee 16/03/2017
If you are interested in submitting an article for GH newsletter, Noose, , please get in contact via the website. GH residents 16/03/2017
Invite PCSOs to one of the coming meetings. Committee 16/03/2017