Stony Stratford Annual Town Meeting is not a Town Council meeting, it is the annual meeting for the town and its electors where they get to come along and discuss anything they would like to. All residents from Fullers Slade, Galley Hill and Stony Stratford are invited to attend. It is held in the Spring each year – normally in March or April. The date of the next Town Meeting is Wednesday, 27th April 2022 at 7.30pm – please click here for further details. .
All parishes hold an annual meeting for electors. Annual meetings have taken place since 2001 in the parish of Stony Stratford which includes Fullers Slade, Galley Hill and Stony town.
The Agenda at meetings is usually as follows:
- Presentation of an annual Community Award to a person or people who have helped enhance the parish community.
- Accept minutes from previous year
- Electors receive the Annual Report of the Chair of Stony Stratford Town Council followed by a question and answer session.
- There is usually a presentation regarding a topic of local interest during the meeting.
Please remember that this is your meeting so come along and have your say. Ask questions and we’ll try to answer them.
Last year’s Annual Town Meeting was held on 10th March 2020. Please click here to view a copy of the draft minutes of the meeting.