SMSG Nursery Open Day Poster 10 Oct 17
SMSG Nursery Open Day Poster 10 Oct 17
Galley Hill Residents Association
Minutes: Committee Meeting
Thursday, 21st September, 2017 (18:30) Small Meeting Place
Welcome and H&S
Nyomie welcomed everyone.
Nyomie Flecknell, Paul Flecknell, Roy Adams, Sue Tichmarsh, Douglas Tichmarsh, David Tavener, Paul Randall, Gill Millar, Janet Randall, Debbie Styles, Mick Allsopp, May Gray, Helen Bowlt (MK Library) Rob Gifford (SSTC), Paul Catherine and Peter Bolton, Sue Fitch, Pauline & Colin Wiginton, Shirley & Ian Leigh, Richard Eaton, Karen & S Huszla, J & B Collison, Mary O’Keeffe.
Apologies: Joy Sumner
Formal approval of previous minutes (available online at
There were no issues raised and the minutes were approved.
Items for discussion
New Vice Chairman
Roy conducted the ballot and asked the audience if they wanted to ask the candidates any questions before voting, there were none. The outcome of the vote was in David Tavener being selected.
Future meeting dates
We set dates for future meetings every third Thursday of the month with a starting time of 18:45 and to retain alternate public & committee meetings? Sec to advise Pastor of actual dates.
Roy advised funds now in our bank account and he is meeting with Sally , Nyomie, & carver in Stony on Tuesday. Mick subsequently confirmed his attendance.
Local activities
Our coffee morning is now well established and is modestly contributing to our funds. Other activities are in planning and will move forward when insurance cover has been established.
Roy confirmed our application to MKC for a grant of £400 is approved and payment is eagerly anticipated. We have an additional £400 application pending approval. Roy handed out a financial breakdown showing “trading” to date and confirmed our balance to be £1681.68, £1500 of that being out aside for the tree carving.
Doug confirmed that all our outlets (Noose, Friends of Galley Hill Facebook, were up to date and running smoothly, when asked the audience confirmed they approved of the Noose and its content.
We had contemplated leaving the SSTC Notice board where it is due to licensing cost. Mick indicated that the license would not apply after all.
Antisocial parking
Pathway/road problems
These were basically covered by letter to the Council Leader Peter Marland who did not accept our invitation to attend. The letter and his reply were available in the meeting for those interested to take and read. GHRA will draft and agree a response to Mr Marland’s reply in due course and keep you informed of progress. Anyone wanting to read these documents please get in touch.
SSTC Refurbish Project
At 19:15 Nyomie handed over the floor to Rob Gifford and Helen Bowlt (SSTC & MK library) to present their Town Hall refurbishment plans.
There were an interesting exchange between the audience and Rob. Rob pointed out that the building was 40 years old and required some attention, a member of the audience replied that Galley Hill was 45 years old and also needed attention.
Rob indicated that to fund the redevelopment they would need to increase local taxes by around 5% (at the coffee morning on Tuesday he quoted between 5% & 10%).
Q1 How will the decision be made
R1 Rob. subject to public approval the item will be discussed at the 16th of November Council Meeting and again on the 3rd Tuesday in January at another Council Meeting.
Q2 If plans go ahead what provision will be made for library services during the refurbishment?
R2 Helen. The mobile library is available
Q3 is Bletchley funding their library refurbishment
R3 Helen. Developers section 106 is funding it and this will also apply to some of the Stony funding.
Q4 is it correct that the Library funding could be terminated by MKC at any time leaving the Stony taxpayer without a tenant who is currently contributing c£6000 per annum?
R4 Rob. Yes.
There was a lot of interest in this topic but Nyomie had to thank Rob and terminate the question and answer session to enable us to conclude our meeting.
Any other business
Doug announced that the school was undertaking repairs/painting this weekend and anyone wanting to volunteer would be welcome.
Friday the 22nd September 16:00 to 20:00
Saturday the 23rd September 09:00 to 18:00
At 20:00 the meeting was closed & Nyomie thanked everyone for attending.