GHRA Meeting 20th April 2017

The GHRA committee held another of its monthly meetings on 20th April, this one being for the benefit of the committee and the Court Representatives. These are held bi-monthly between the fully open public meetings to give the reps and committee a chance to discuss matters brought up in open meetings and to clarify what is being done and by whom to take things forward and improve Galley Hill.

During this meeting we heard from a representative of YOURMK to advise us of the regeneration plans for Fullers Slade, which are in the primary consultation phases. They are holding an open discussion at the Rowans Family Centre, Moorfoot, Fullers Slade MK11 2BD on 26/4/2017 for the communities the proposed regenerations will affect to open the discussions. There will be a year long ongoing discussion with residents in affected areas before any decisions are taken, so no firm plans are currently available.
We will have some more information available here soon, but much more is available at YOURMK.CO.UK.

The meeting was then moved along to the matters affecting Galley Hill directly, many of which are still being discussed with the council with no firm commitment from the MKC Council. Among the problems discussed were leaves (cleared now that Spring is here anyway), dog bins (more required on Galley Hill), and the playground areas. On a positive note the Redbourne sign which went missing has been found in Bletchley so should be back in place sometime soon, street lights around the estate seem to be working now, and the GHRA bank account has been agreed, and Roy the treasurer can begin sourcing funding from various bodies for the association to use for the good of Galley Hill.

The coffee mornings on Tuesday mornings (every Tuesday 10 am till 12 at the small meeting place above the shop) have been well received, so a sub committee has been set up to run them more efficiently. There is also some initial planning for more social events to be organised by the GHRA, including possibly a disco, and a celebration of 50 years of Milton Keynes to be held later in the year.

A hot topic of debate was discussed towards the end of the meeting, that of potholes in the roads around Galley Hill. There is a scheme being used in other parts of the UK where quieter areas which have potholes are being repaired by local volunteers. The volunteers are trained, and supplied equipment by the council to do minor pothole repairs on quieter roads. This can be seen as a way of getting the holes filled, or a way for councils to sidestep their responsibilities for which we all pay our rates. There was some very passionate debate on the issue, which looks like it is going to require more input from the residents of Galley Hill to decide.

As is always the case, time ran away, and the meeting was closed leaving some topics for the next meetings. Hopefully speeding cars, parking problems and abandoned cars around the area among other issues can be discussed in the next meeting.

Click for the minutes of this meeting 

As always we are keen to hear from anyone in the area through emails to the reps in the contacts page, our feedback forms, or by commenting here in the comments section.

Minutes of the GHRA Meeting 20/4/2017

Galley Hill Residents Association

Minutes:  Committee Meeting #4

20th April, 2017 (7pm)

Small Meeting Place, Galley Hill


Present Absent

NF:  Nyomie Flecknell (Chair/Clailey)

JS:  Joy Sumner (Secretary)

MA:  Mick Allsopp

DaT: David Tavener (Creslow)

PF: Paul Flecknell

DoT: Doug Titchmarsh

RA:  Roy Adams (Treasurer/Cottesloe)

Sue Fitch (Essenden Court Rep)

Henry Suppiah (Cottesloe Court Rep)

Paul Randall (Flitton Court Rep)

MayGray (Mursley Court Rep)

Pastor Kuomi (PK)

Charlie Davies (yourMK)



Key Dates

Town Council Meeting 7:30 Swinthin Hall 26th April 2017 (Wednesday)

YourMK redevelopment plans 2-6pm at Rowans Family Centre, 26th April (Wednesday)


Action On? Date Set Update
Discuss registering GHRA with the council Nyomie F 2016-11-30 On going:
Investigate options for a GHRA bank account Roy A 2016-11-30 Done
Find volunteers for court reps Dave T 2016-11-30 On going
For General Meeting of GHRA, make a list to see if there is interest in a children’s club Nyomie F 2016-11-30 Carried over
Talk to Sue about the potential for using the school in the summer Nyomie F 2016-11-30 Carried over
Investigate possible funding for a GH party for MK’s 50th. Mick A

And Paul F / Social Sub-Committee

2016-11-30 Carried over

23-24June2017 around MK 60s day street parties

Need to register by April 2017 website

Book meeting rooms Mick 2016-12-07 Done – standing action
Add actions of previous committee meetings to GHRA website Joy/Doug 2017-02-27 Done – standing action
Confirm date of next MKC meeting Mick 2017-02-27 Done
Kick off coffee morning on 7th March, 10. Mick, Nyomie, Pastor Kuomi and Roy 2017-02-27 Done
Print adverts for coffee morning David 2017-02-27 Done
Distribute fliers for coffee morning Court reps 2017-02-27 Done but may need reminder fliers sending around
Look into possibilities and application process for the national lottery Roy 2017-02-27 Carried over
Set up a webform for people interested in joining a GH neighbourhood watch scheme Doug 2017-02-27 Done
To take the scanned version of Noose and put on the GHRA website. Doug 2017-02-27 Done
Arrange a ‘social’ GHRA email address Doug/Paul 2017-02-27 Carried over
Request an additional dog bin at the Galley Hill/Fullers Slade boundary where there is currently no bin.  If possible, this should be at a suitable height for wheelchair users. Committee 16/03/2017 Carried over
Look into getting additional litter bins. Committee 16/03/2017 Carrier over
Coffee morning (Tuesday 10-12) volunteers wanted. GH residents 16/03/2017 On going
Investigate the possibility of advertising the coffee mornings in the shop window. Committee 16/03/2017 Carried over
If you are interested in submitting an article for GH newsletter, Noose, please get in contact via the website. GH residents 16/03/2017 Carried over
Invite PCSOs to one of the coming meetings. Committee 16/03/2017 In progress
Add link to YourMK on the GHRA website Doug 20/04/2017
Get correct text from Roy to add to minutes Roy/Joy 20/04/2017
Add details for Resident Involvement Meetings to website David 20/04/2017
Raise issue with parking/blocking access to houses with council clark Mick 20/04/2017
Need article for Town Crier – This one will be based on Coffee morning Roy/ Mick/ Nyomie 20/04/2017


Annual Town Meeting

To all residents of Galley Hill, Fullers Slade and Stony Stratford Town
Your Annual Town Meeting will be held on
Wednesday, 26th April 2017
At Swinfen Harris Church Hall, London Road, Stony Stratford MK11 1JA
Starting at 7.30pm
1. To present the Annual Community Award 2016
2. ‘Man’s Best Friend’ Presentation – Representatives from Canine Partners, Dogs For Good and Pets As Therapy charities will be presenting on how dogs make a difference to people’s lives and how they support them in their everyday living
3. To receive apologies for absence
4. To accept minutes of the Annual Town Meeting held on 12 April 2016 as a true record
5. To receive the Annual Report of the Chair of Stony Stratford Town Council, Cllr Joan Walker MBE
6. To question the Chair on points raised in her report and other matters
Please remember that this is not a meeting of the Town Council. This is your meeting so come along and have your say. Ask questions and we’ll try to answer them.
Convened by Joan Walker MBE, Chair
Stony Stratford Town Council, April 2017