Minutes of the GHRA Meeting 20/4/2017

Galley Hill Residents Association

Minutes:  Committee Meeting #4

20th April, 2017 (7pm)

Small Meeting Place, Galley Hill


Present Absent

NF:  Nyomie Flecknell (Chair/Clailey)

JS:  Joy Sumner (Secretary)

MA:  Mick Allsopp

DaT: David Tavener (Creslow)

PF: Paul Flecknell

DoT: Doug Titchmarsh

RA:  Roy Adams (Treasurer/Cottesloe)

Sue Fitch (Essenden Court Rep)

Henry Suppiah (Cottesloe Court Rep)

Paul Randall (Flitton Court Rep)

MayGray (Mursley Court Rep)

Pastor Kuomi (PK)

Charlie Davies (yourMK)



Key Dates

Town Council Meeting 7:30 Swinthin Hall 26th April 2017 (Wednesday)

YourMK redevelopment plans 2-6pm at Rowans Family Centre, 26th April (Wednesday)


Action On? Date Set Update
Discuss registering GHRA with the council Nyomie F 2016-11-30 On going:
Investigate options for a GHRA bank account Roy A 2016-11-30 Done
Find volunteers for court reps Dave T 2016-11-30 On going
For General Meeting of GHRA, make a list to see if there is interest in a children’s club Nyomie F 2016-11-30 Carried over
Talk to Sue about the potential for using the school in the summer Nyomie F 2016-11-30 Carried over
Investigate possible funding for a GH party for MK’s 50th. Mick A

And Paul F / Social Sub-Committee

2016-11-30 Carried over

23-24June2017 around MK 60s day street parties

Need to register by April 2017

MK50.com website

Book meeting rooms Mick 2016-12-07 Done – standing action
Add actions of previous committee meetings to GHRA website Joy/Doug 2017-02-27 Done – standing action
Confirm date of next MKC meeting Mick 2017-02-27 Done
Kick off coffee morning on 7th March, 10. Mick, Nyomie, Pastor Kuomi and Roy 2017-02-27 Done
Print adverts for coffee morning David 2017-02-27 Done
Distribute fliers for coffee morning Court reps 2017-02-27 Done but may need reminder fliers sending around
Look into possibilities and application process for the national lottery Roy 2017-02-27 Carried over
Set up a webform for people interested in joining a GH neighbourhood watch scheme Doug 2017-02-27 Done
To take the scanned version of Noose and put on the GHRA website. Doug 2017-02-27 Done
Arrange a ‘social’ GHRA email address Doug/Paul 2017-02-27 Carried over
Request an additional dog bin at the Galley Hill/Fullers Slade boundary where there is currently no bin.  If possible, this should be at a suitable height for wheelchair users. Committee 16/03/2017 Carried over
Look into getting additional litter bins. Committee 16/03/2017 Carrier over
Coffee morning (Tuesday 10-12) volunteers wanted. GH residents 16/03/2017 On going
Investigate the possibility of advertising the coffee mornings in the shop window. Committee 16/03/2017 Carried over
If you are interested in submitting an article for GH newsletter, Noose, please get in contact via the website. GH residents 16/03/2017 Carried over
Invite PCSOs to one of the coming meetings. Committee 16/03/2017 In progress
Add link to YourMK on the GHRA website Doug 20/04/2017
Get correct text from Roy to add to minutes Roy/Joy 20/04/2017
Add details for Resident Involvement Meetings to website David 20/04/2017
Raise issue with parking/blocking access to houses with council clark Mick 20/04/2017
Need article for Town Crier – This one will be based on Coffee morning Roy/ Mick/ Nyomie 20/04/2017