Annual Town Meeting

To all residents of Galley Hill, Fullers Slade and Stony Stratford Town
Your Annual Town Meeting will be held on
Wednesday, 26th April 2017
At Swinfen Harris Church Hall, London Road, Stony Stratford MK11 1JA
Starting at 7.30pm
1. To present the Annual Community Award 2016
2. ‘Man’s Best Friend’ Presentation – Representatives from Canine Partners, Dogs For Good and Pets As Therapy charities will be presenting on how dogs make a difference to people’s lives and how they support them in their everyday living
3. To receive apologies for absence
4. To accept minutes of the Annual Town Meeting held on 12 April 2016 as a true record
5. To receive the Annual Report of the Chair of Stony Stratford Town Council, Cllr Joan Walker MBE
6. To question the Chair on points raised in her report and other matters
Please remember that this is not a meeting of the Town Council. This is your meeting so come along and have your say. Ask questions and we’ll try to answer them.
Convened by Joan Walker MBE, Chair
Stony Stratford Town Council, April 2017