The ongoing discussions and negotiations between Galley Hill Residents Association and MK Council over the refurbished Community Building (Former Arts Centre) have been ended by the MKC. In an announcement which shocked the GHRA the Council ended negotiations recently. Further to this MKC have announced plans to change the usage of other community buildings and also to build on green space by the school and Watling Way pool.
GHRA are questioning the proposals alone seem to have any benefit for Galley Hill Residents. The Chair Of GHRA has released the following statement following a meeting with the committee, members of the church and local shop owner. The ward Councillors were also in attendance. TheChair statement s in PDF format below
Chairman-1The GHRA committee has put together the following concise document to outline the MKC proposals along with their comments on each one.
Short-MKCC-Proposal-1The GHRA are going to put out a survey soon as the MK Council have put a short time frame for a meeting to discuss the proposals at a Council meeting and GHRA want to be able to put forward conter proposal an residents concerns. See the poster below.
Feedback-PosterPlease look out for the survey online and give your feedback ASAP. Thanks