With the end of February looming and spring fast approaching we thought it was time we updated you on the things going on in your local area and what we in the Galley Hill Residents Association are up to.
Firstly, our recent bi-monthly litter pick was carried out in February with the usual help from the Stony Stratford Community Church volunteers, so a big thank you to them and to the local volunteers who turned out on a cold and rainy Sunday to clean up our area. The next litter pick will be on April 14th at 10:45 if anyone would like to volunteer, the more the merrier.
In local news, we have been told that the next Fullers Slade Regeneration Design Meeting will be held at the Rowans Centre on 27th February.
Also over in the neighbouring community of Fullers Slade is this fitness group we have been asked to let people know about

On a slightly less positive note, our Treasurer and local Councillor Roy Adams received a call on Saturday morning from Eric, the Church Warden at the SMP, saying that he had discovered that the Arts Centre below the SMP had been broken into. Roy had this to say
“The villains, had broken through the bottom panel of the side door and then opened the main doors. Unfortunately, we couldn’t tell if anything had been taken because we didn’t know what was in there in the first place. They appear to have made a bit of a mess( but, again we don’t know what state the property was in before).
I had the devil’s own job of trying to get someone at MKC to try and take responsibility for securing the centre again on a Saturday, ( contractors for YourMK and the Council kept saying that they only deal with residential properties).
I’ve made the Cuture Dept of MKC aware this morning and they are sending someone to check up on the situation and make sure it is secure.
I reported the crime to Thames Valley Police on 101 “
As usual, stay vigilant, stay safe and thank you for reading.
The Committee of the GHRA