
We have collated all of our important documents and newsletters in one place, this is our GHRA library. You will find all of our Constitution, Policies, Newsletters etcetera here.

GHRA Constitution

This is the Galley Hill Residents Association Constitution

which outlines our aims as a Residents association, our commitments and ideals. This document was drafted and signed by our Chairperson upon the formation of the Association.

The Galley Hill Residents Association Minutes from Previous Meetings

All of the Minutes from past GHRA Meetings are available here

As well as the Minutes being placed here following ratification, the proposed Agenda for each meeting will also be available in advance.

The Galley Hill Residents Association Policy Documents

Policy Documents

Here you can find links to all of the policy documents  which the GHRA has agreed to abide by. This includes our equality policy which outlines our intentions to be inclusive of all people regardless of race, religion or gender.

The Galley Hill Residents Association Newsletter Archive (The Noose)

The GHRA Newsletter (The Noose) Archives.

Back issues of our regular newsletter which is delivered to all houses in Galley Hill, in PDF Format which can be read on most computers and mobile devices.

The Galley Hill Residents Association File Library

This is the Galley Hill Residents Association Files Library

This leads to a folder which contains all of our files within organised folders to make the information easily available to everyone for transparency and openness