Category Archives: GHRA Meetings

Minutes of past meetings, and agendas for upcoming meetings.

GHRA Monthly Meeting

This evening (20th July) is the monthly GHRA resident’s meeting where amongst other topics we will be discussing further the proposals from MKCC to undertake significant developments on Galley Hill and reflecting on the responses provided at recent SSTC and MKCC meetings.

The meeting is open to all, please join us 7-8pm at the Galley Hill Meeting Place above the shop.

Picture from last night’s MKCC meeting with representation from residents, GHRA, SSTC, House of Champions Ministries (The Church)

Residents meeting

The residents meeting will still be taking place in the SMP this evening (21 July 19:00) despite repairs to the Arts Centre fencing off the area.

The entrance is on the school side of the fencing at the bottom of the slope leading up to the SMP.

Hope to see you there.

GHRA Committee.

Your Residents Association AGM

The Galley Hill Residents Association meeting on the 19th of May is our Annual General Meeting and will be held at the Church (SMP) above the shop at 1 Barford at 19:00.

All residents are invited to attend or to volunteer to take on a role supporting activities, events etc relating to Galley Hill.

For more information get in touch, details on contact us page.

Upcoming Meetings For Galley Hill Residents

Stony Stratford Town Council’s next meeting will be at 19th March at the Small Meeting Place in Galley Hill. The meeting starts at 7pm, and it may be good to have a strong turnout by interested local residents.
We should also mention that,  finding there was money left in the 2018/19 SSTC budget earmarked for local groups, Sue Titchmarsh, ( as Events Co-ordinator)   has put in an application ( countersigned by Roy Adams, GHRA Treasurer) on GHRA’s behalf for £200 towards running an Easter Egg hunt ( similar to last year) . It would be good if people were there to look  the other councillors in the eye when they are making the decision on this.
We are expecting another group of people will be there to express their concerns over some children within the Stony Stratford part  Radcliffe School catchment are not being able to gain places at the school.

So, it could be a lively meeting and worthwhile attending.

Following this, on Thursday 21st March it is the GHRAs own monthly meeting, at the Small Meeting Place again at 7pm. and we would like to hear from you there too.

Please try to attend one or both of these meetings if you can so we can remind the Council that we are still here, and to help the GHRA to decide where we should be investing our energies on behalf of everyone in Galley Hill.


AGM Results In

Firstly, the GHRA would like to thank everyone who came to our first ever AGM and helped to shape our committee for the coming year. After opening the meeting, our acting chairperson David Tavener stood down and the meeting was handed to the treasurer to chair the election of a chairperson. There was only one person standing for the post and nobody else offered when asked during the meeting, but David Tavener seemed to be the crowds choice anyway so he was reinstated as Chair.

With David as Chair the next was to elect a new Vice Chair, Doug Titchmarsh was nominated and voted in. Treasurer and Secretary followed similar trends as both outgoing members were nominated and voted back into their previous roles, so Treasurer is once again Roy Adams and our Secretary is Joy Sumner. Our recently added events team of Sue Titchmarsh and Kate Nichols were also kept in their posts.

With the committee voted in the meeting continued with the revelation that Roy Adams as also been accepted as the replacement Councillor to fill the position left when Mick Allsopp recently stepped down. The committee and all present thanked Mick for his previous good work in the role, and all agreed that having Roy as a replacement was great news for Galley Hill.

Roy held up the accounts for the year for approval, it was decided that an independent audit would be prudent before final approval. The meeting then turned to other matters for discussion, including speeding in the courts (sleeping policemen have been proposed for the Court entrances but needs discussion and resident input before anything is put forward either for or against), cardboard and other waste issues have been taken up with the MK Council.

Roy gave an update on the bench carving, which has been awaiting the schools input, a suggestion was made by Kate Nicholls that we instead follow the theme of the park, I.e. the mini beasts theme. David Taverner informed all present that Pete Marland, the MK Council Leader is to be present at our next meeting (21st June) to take question from Galley Hill Residents.

The GHRA newsletter, The Noose, needs an editor and sponsors. We are asking if anyone can help to edit the Noose and add relevant articles to it, can you help. David and Roy are approaching local businesses for sponsorship to pay the printing costs.

Roy and Dave also reported on the recent Fullers Slade meetings reference the regeneration project, and in particular how Galley Hill could be affected as the plans could include land up to the edge of Flitton Court. Mick Allsopp commented on longer term plans which could include Galley Hill even further. This is being monitored by the GHRA committee.

The next meeting is planned for the 21st June and will be a public meeting. Full minutes will be made available in the library section soon once they have been approved.

Thanks for your support,

The GHRA Committee

GHRA AGM Reminder

We just wanted to remind everyone that Thursday 24th May at 7pm in the Small Meeting Place, will be the AGM (Annual General Meeting) of the Galley Hill Residents Association. This is your chance to have a say in who is on the Committee of YOUR residents association.

As always, we are looking for volunteers to run or help run the GHRA. All of the Committee will stand down and open up their positions to anyone who wants to stand, then a vote can be taken if more than one candidate is proposed. We would like to see some more people willing to stand up for Galley Hill and the needs of its residents.

Please try and make some time to attend the meeting, and have a say in local matters.


Thanks, the Committee of The GHRA.


GHRA Meeting 8th March 2018

8th March meeting of the GHRA saw another large turnout at the Small Meeting Place, and the committee would like to thank everyone for their support. It was a meeting not only packed with people but also with things to discuss and a bit of a shocker for all of us, read on to find out more.

Once the meeting was officially opened by our Chairperson, a very poorly Nyomie, we heard from Roy that the finances are looking good for the GHRA. Dave and Roy had also attended the Fullers Slade RA and reported briefly on happenings there.

We were then joined by local Police Officer Kate Story who was there to reassure the residents of Galley Hill that, despite appearances to the contrary, the area still has a very low crime rate. Reporting of crimes was discussed as there is a general feeling that smaller crimes aren’t being reported as people don’t want to bother the busy police service with seemingly trivial things. Kate advised that even if nothing needs to be investigated reporting crime (telephone 101 for non urgent calls or report online on the TVP website) helps the police to build a profile and may lead to preventing further crimes. Everybody agreed that the talk had been helpful, and we thank Kate Story for her time. Kate has also asked us to make this Home security booklet available for download.

CCTV was also discussed with Kate advising to be careful that it doesn’t intrude into a neighbours privacy.  Also, signage advising of CCTV  must be plainly displayed.

Following the usual discussions of potholes (the council have use of a new pothole filling machine so we should see it used over the next two years), Antisocial parking, trees and landscaping (still being brought to the attention of the council regularly by GHRA, councillors and residents) etcetera we heard from Roy that the tree carving project is still in progress and that the school is still involved in the designs.

Nyomie dropped the bombshell that she was stepping down as Chairperson with immediate effect. All present were a little shocked, but thank her for her hard work during the formative year of the GHRA. We all wish her well and hope to see her at the future meetings of the residents association she has helped to start and shape.

Cllr Mick Allsopp informed us of the upcoming elections of the local Council and the Neighbourhood Plan which will be important for all of us to get involved in. Mick also informed us that he has put Galley Hill forward as a Key Site which may help us in our efforts to get more repairs done to the area.

-Litter picking was discussed and the Steward at Stony Community Church, which helps run the Fullers Slade litter picks, can come on 8th April, 10:30 a.m., meeting outside the school, and then every second month on a Sunday.  (6 times a year.)  We need volunteers to help litter pick.

Finally we need to mention our Easter Egg event to be held on Good Friday again, please email our events team to prebook so we can get an idea of numbers.

Full minutes of the meeting will be available here soon.

Thanks for your support

The GHRA committee

Minutes Of GHRA Meeting Thursday, 16th November, 2017

Minutes:  General Open Meeting #7

Thursday, 16th November, 2017 (6:45pm)

Small Meeting Place Galley Hill


  1. Welcome and H&S – Done


  1. Apologies – From Nyomie F, Paul Bartlett


  1. Formal approval of previous minutes (available online at – Done


  1. Items for discussion


    1. Report from SSTC meeting – N/A


    1. Local activities
      • Tree carving – bench is taking shape but still waiting for the children’s drawings for incorporation into it for completion.  Plus making a timeline plank for the school from the tree (over 200 years old)
      • Coffee mornings – still running on Tuesday mornings
      • Discos & picnics – We have funding to arrange 2 events
      • Open Garden & Counts Competition
      • Interest in setting up a club for helping out (if you need help getting to hospital, gardening, etc)
      • Christmas Events (singing/Santa)
        • We’re proposing to hold the carols on Tue, 12th December, starting ~6pm.
        • We would also like to hold a general rehearsal on Thurs, 23rd November, 7pm, SMP.


    1. Funding
      • £400 from MKC (to run 2 events
      • Coffee morning donations (upto £280 ish in total)
      • Money for tree carving has been received (and not paid out)
      • 2x £48 paid for Noose (due to lack of sponsorship currently)


    1. Communication
      • “Noose” newsletter
        • Running regularly
        • In the new year we are looking for more sponsorship
      • Website –
        • Contact details are available on this
      • Raising GHRA awareness
        • E.g. of bookmarks for children to go with Noose to raise awareness of GHRA


    1. Problems
      • Trees/leaves/landscaping/pathway/road problems/potholes
        • Letter to Peter Marland:
          • Has been sent in reply to his (about maintenance of the estate).  However we have not had a reply to this.
          • Mick has invited Peter Marland to the next GHRA meeting.
          • Councillor Charlie Wilson is interested in this.
        • There is interest in running a tree-survey (using GHRA funds) to backup requests to the council.
          • Mick says that MKC is about to start a tree survey.
      • Litter picking
        • If you would like to be involved in Litter Picking, please contact David
      • Missing street signs (e.g. Redbourne, Clailey)
        • Sign has been taken away and will not be replaced.
        • Issues raised re lost taxis not being able to collect vulnerable people and so this needs fixing.
        • Cost of doing our own signs for ~£30 each, but there may be problems with putting our own signs up.
        • Mick will raise on the 22nd Nov at the MKC meeting.
      • Other – N/A


    1. Cost of refurbishment
      • Draft of letter on concerns regarding the cost.


    1. Fullers Slade Regeneration
  • Up to 6 stores high and higher housing density
  • This will have an impact on local resources (e.g. doctors…)
  • At MKC meeting a motion will put forward to have a referendum on the final plan
  • Such a referendum would have the same set up as a local election (but only in Fullers Slade).
  • Turnout figure may need consideration.


    1. Visitors
  • Terrie Howey/Red Phoenix
    • Runs a drama club for under 16 year old children at York House, Act Out (Thursday; 6-10 years 4:30-5:30) and Act Up (Thursdays, 11-16 years 5:40-6:40)
    • This includes making a panto.  The children write this.
    • Terrie is keen to encourage additional people from Galey Hill and Fullers Slade.
    • The cost is the same as an afterschool club (£100/year?).  Terrie is also looking to set up a scholarship place.
    • If there are concerns with transport to and from for children Terrie is looking to set something up.  Maybe a walking train.
    • In Feb half-term there will be 2 free half-day workshops to try things out (one in Galley Hill and one in Fullers Slade).
  • Colin Harmsworth (JCAC)
    • Apologises but cannot make the meeting.


    1. GHRA is one year old!!!
  • Thank you for your involvement!


  1. Any other business


Local events:  17th Dec School concert, free to all

Local event:  Quiz on the 18th November


  1. Dates of next meetings:


General Meeting Committee Meeting
16th November 14th December
18th January 15th February
15th March 19th April
17th May 21st June
19th July 16th August
20th September 18th October

Minutes of GHRA Meeting 19th October 2017

Galley Hill Residents Association

Minutes: Committee meeting #7Thursday, 19th October (18:45) Small Meeting Place

We built this city….!

  1. Welcome and H&S – Done
  2. Apologies – Paul Bartlett, Debbie X, Paul F and Peter Barry
  3. Formal approval of previous minutes
    1. Done
    2. Minor Changes (New Vice Chair elected not selected)
  4. Items for Discussion
    1. Financial update
      1. Tree carving (£1,500 grant received)
      2. Events (£400 grant received)
        1. £80 will go to insurance for events from this (100 people in SMP)
        2. What will be the first event we run?
          1. GHRA 1 year anniversary (November)
          2. Christmas Carols
          3. Summer event (but next year)
          4. Disco
      3. Coffee morning (£30)
      4. Possible donation via Liz Gifford (£300)
        1. Suggestions for use include: (1) newsletter sponsorship; (2) mural for Galley Hill’s History around the Large Meeting Place; (3) official stamp for GHRA; (4) other suggestions welcome
      5. In the pipeline:  £400 (outcome unknown currently)
    2. Tree carving
      1. Carving has not yet happened; Sally will talk to School about finalising a plan; tree-carver has shown images of similar work
      2. Likely to be started in half-term
      3. An offcut will be donated as a timeline plaque for the school
      4. Publicity around this (newspaper, newsletter, Town Crier, Look East, photos)
    3. Communication
      1. Response to emails: Complaint
        1. We are not replying to email apparently
        2. Please response quickly.
        3. Copying everyone on the committee in helps avoid problems if one person misses it.
      2. Noose
        1. Hasn’t been printed this month due to lack of sponsor
        2. Committee agrees that if no comments on a draft are received in 7 days, the newsletter will go to print.
        3. Court reps will now also be added to the editorial circulation list for checking the newsletter.
      3. This month the noose will be paid for by GHRA as there is no sponsor.  (Approval was also granted to pay for a second unsponsored newsletter)
    4. Anti-Social Behaviour
      1. Incidents have been reported.
      2. Paul Bartlett has been looking into this. Suggestion made that all parties involved work together to promptly resolve rather than passing problem from one to the other.
    1. Neighbourhood Watch

Milton Keynes Neighbourhood Watch invited scheme co-ordinators to their AGM in the Civic Offices on Saturday the 14th of October.

DPT attended and saw presentations from Chief Inspector Neil Kentish TVP and MKCouncil Safer MK Colin Wilderspin

MKNHW want to expand within communities and SaferMK want to incorporate Community resilience.

Colin Harmsworth of JCAC (who also attending the meeting) has asked GHRA if he can attend our next public meeting to introduce this charity and its aims as they intend to provide community training that will help community resilience.

DPT also attended meeting in Wolverton on Tuesday evening to see a new Community Forum being introduced by TVP. The purpose of the Community Forum is to bring together, at a local level, the right organisations and members of the public to tackle the top community safety priorities identified through consultation.

      1. MK NW AGM attended by David – There was a discussion of crime in MK
      2. There is interest in having a community disaster planning
      3. Training may be available for First Responders – there will be a presentation about this at GHRA’s next (November) GHRA.
    1. GHRA Official Response
      1. To Peter Marland – MK Council says that the parish council must do the work instead.  It was agreed that a reply needs to be drafted.  GHRA and Mick and Paul should be obviously copied in on our reply.  GHRA would like to express their displeasure with this disengagement.
      2. To SSTC Town Hall (Council Offices) Refurbishments – it is understood that the £290k cost is to be covered by the parish council; there is concern that this cost will be passed onto local residents via an increase in local tax rates.  A vote was carried for GHRA to send a letter to the parish council stating that there is ‘concern about possible impact on increasing local tax rates’.
    2. Inspiring involvement of more GH residents
      1. Give gifts to children at Christmas with GHRA info on to raise awareness.  200 children at South Site School.  Ideas include pens, pencils, book marks,
      2. Christmas carol event may raise profile of GH and our residents association.
      3. Possible future NAG (Neighbourhood Action Group) may be set up.
      4. Do we want to run a survey?
  1. AOB
    1. Estate maintenance
      1. GHRA and Pastor K to look into talking to the council on having maintenance.
    2. Event: 1st Anniversary Party at Conservative Club – Mick to organise.  Some level of ticketing (can be free) to confirm numbers will be needed.
    3. Event:  Carol Singing (check doesn’t clash with SS Church).  Look into police permission.
    4. Notice board (Thursday 8:30 a.m.) will actually be moved.
  2. Next Meeting
    1. 16th November