Minutes: General Open Meeting #3 Thursday, 16th March, 2017


Held At The Small Meeting Place Galley Hill


Present Absent

NF:  Nyomie Flecknell (Chair/Clailey)

JS:  Joy Sumner (Secretary)

MA:  Mick Allsopp

DaT: David Tavener (Creslow)

PF: Paul Flecknell
See sign-up sheet for other attendees


RA:  Roy Adams (Treasurer/Cottesloe)

DoT: Doug Titchmarsh

Order of Business

  1. Welcome and H&S – Done
  1. Apologies – Received from Roy Adams and Doug Titchmarsh
  1. Formal approval of previous minutes – Done
    1. Items for discussion


  • Problems
  • – Updates on problems that the committee are currently tackling are given below.  Other problems will be addressed as these are handled.


Problem Detail Update
Trees Issues relating to:


This has been raised with the council and discussions are on-going.
Estate maintenance Issues with slip/trip hazards and overgrown footpaths This has been raised with the council and discussions are on-going.
Antisocial parking Near to school and also in other locations making access difficult Bollards and double yellow lines are being investigated as are visits from ticket wardens.

To improve pedestrian safety near to the school, a possible crossing will be raised with MKC.

This will hopefully also affect the parking in the immediate area.

(Other solutions such as cameras, no-parking times etc were raised but will be left for the moment.)

Street lights Street lighting that it not working This has been raised with the highway agency (and, where relevant, the school)
Dog bins Problems with placement being away from the main footpaths, so that dog owners are not always using them 2 pre-existing bins may be moved closer into Galley Hill.

We will request an additional bin at the Galley Hill/Fullers Slade boundary where there is currently no bin.


        1. If there are (specific!) problems with trees, etc, please pass this on to the committee so that we can collect the data.
        2. Concerns were also raised that there may be possible future problems with Galley Hill being used as a ‘rat run’ as the Western Expansion develops.  However, this is not yet felt to be an issue.
        3. Litter bins as well as dog bins were requested.
        4. The round-about in the playground is broken.
      1. Local activities


  • Current activities:


Activity Detail
Coffee mornings For all Galley Hill citizens

Tuesday morning (10-12 a.m.) at the small meeting place above the shop.

2 sessions so far, with the kick-off morning on 7th March.

Looking for volunteers to get involved with running the sessions.

Interest was expressed in adding talks, trips, etc in the future.


  • Activities for the future:


Activity Detail
Open Garden/Courts Competition Summer?
Christmas event (singing/Santa) Looking into combined events with Fullers Slade
Queen’s Anniversary Event
      1. Milton Keynes at 50 (2017)
        1. Update on Bench need to complete GHRA registration
        2. Party on GH School is interested in engaging, but needs permission.  This event would be held later in the year (possibly early September) to prevent clashes with other events in MK.
      2. Funding
        1. Sources?
        2. Bank Account At a vote, the residents unanimously agreed that 3 committee members are sufficient signatories for the bank account.  (Full list of committee members given in ‘people’ box at top of document)
        3. Insurance – insuremyevent.com was mentioned as having affordable cover for 1-5 events/year.  (Used by FSRA.)
      3. Communication
        1. “Noose” If you are interested in submitting an article, please get in contact via the website – email news using this link
        2. Facebook – “Friends of Galley Hill”
        3. Google drive


  • Email/paper notices – note that some courts are not getting all notices


        1. Notice board on-going
        2. Website – GHRA.uk – Residents are encouraged to use the website
      1. Neighbourhood watch


  • If you are interested in joining, there is an online form (on GHRA.uk)
  • PCSOs were also raised and it was suggested that they be invited to attend one of the coming GHRA meetings.


    1. Any other business


  • A new sign has been requested for Redborne as the current one is missing
  • Visitors will be invited to future GHRA meetings.  Currently Mick is talking to a member of YourMK.  Following the earlier discussion, the local PCSOs will be invited (on a different evening) as will members from MKC.  If you have any visitors that you would like invited to GHRA, please contact us using the GHRA.uk website.



  1. Date of next meeting:

Provisional dates for the next 2017 meetings (general and committee) are on Thursdays at 7pm.


General Meeting Committee Meeting
16th March 20th April
18th May 15th June
20th July 17th August
21st September 19th October
16th November 14th December



AGM annual general meeting

AIM added in meeting (not on original agenda)

AOB any other business

FSRA Fullers Slade Residents Association

GH Galley Hill

GHRA Galley Hill Residents Association

H&S health and safety

MKC Milton Keynes Council

SSTC Stony Stratford Town Council


Disclaimer:  Every attempt has been made to make this document a true and representative recording of events.  If you have a concern about the content, please contact the committee as soon as is reasonably practical.


Action On? Date Set Update
Date of GHRA’s next General Meeting to be set for 2 months Committee 26/01/2017 Done
Discuss route for solving problems/promoting activities in committee meeting to bring to next open meeting Committee 26/01/2017 Done – see noted in minutes
Request an additional dog bin at the Galley Hill/Fullers Slade boundary where there is currently no bin.  If possible, this should be at a suitable height for wheelchair users. Committee 16/03/2017
Look into getting additional litter bins. Committee 16/03/2017
Coffee morning (Tuesday 10-12) volunteers wanted. GH residents 16/03/2017
Investigate the possibility of advertising the coffee mornings in the shop window. Committee 16/03/2017
If you are interested in submitting an article for GH newsletter, Noose, , please get in contact via the website. GH residents 16/03/2017
Invite PCSOs to one of the coming meetings. Committee 16/03/2017


Actions: Committee Meeting #2 Monday, 12/12/2016 (7pm) Watling Way Centre


Present Absent
NF:  Nyomie Flecknell (Chair)

JS:  Joy Sumner (Secretary)

RA:  Roy Adams (Treasurer)

MA:  Mick Allsopp

DaT: David Tavener

DoT: Doug Titchmarsh




Action On? Date Set Update
Handover discussion for relevant communications Doug T/ Dave T 2016-11-30 Done
Update the constitution as noted in minutes Joy S 2016-11-30 Done
Discuss registering GHRA with the council Nyomie F 2016-11-30 On going
Investigate possibilities for a GHRA domain Doug T 2016-11-30 Done
Investigate options for a GHRA bank account Roy A 2016-11-30 On going
Find volunteers for court reps Dave T 2016-11-30 On going
Scan and circulate email with first copy of Noose Mick A 2016-11-30 Carried over
Send around date of next SSTC meeting Mick A 2016-11-30 Done: Jan 17th
For General Meeting of GHRA, make a list to see if there is interest in a children’s club Nyomie F 2016-11-30 Not before Jan ‘17
Talk to Sue about the potential for using the school in the summer Nyomie F 2016-11-30 Not before Jan ‘17
Investigate possible funding for a GH party for MK’s 50th. Mick A 2016-11-30 Carried over
Book venue for next meeting Mick A 2016-11-30 Done
Update on discussions with Council about making a bench for GH from the tree felled from GH. Mick A 2016-11-30 Done
Will send around brief details of Metro Bank Account Roy 2016-12-07
Will send details of online log in for email Doug 2016-12-07
Book meeting rooms Mick 2016-12-07
Circulate minutes Joy 2016-12-07
Circulate scan of Metro bank details provided by Roy Joy 2016-12-07
Document pack needed to be produced and provided to the Court Reps (inc. minutes/agenda of meetings) Dave 2016-12-07
Look into use of Mail Chimp Doug/Dave 2016-12-07

Actions: Committee Meeting #1 Wednesday, 30th November, 2016 (7pm)


Present Absent
NF:  Nyomie Flecknell (Chair)

JS:  Joy Sumner (Secretary)

RA:  Roy Adams (Treasurer)

MA:  Mick Allsopp

DaT: David Tavener

DoT: Doug Titchmarsh

No one



Action On? Date Set Update
Handover discussion for relevant communications Doug T/ Dave T 2016-11-30
Update the constitution as noted in minutes Joy S 2016-11-30
Discuss registering GHRA with the council Nyomie F 2016-11-30
Investigate possibilities for a GHRA domain Doug T 2016-11-30
Investigate options for a GHRA bank account Roy A 2016-11-30
Find volunteers for court reps Dave T 2016-11-30
Scan and circulate email with first copy of Noose Mike A 2016-11-30
Send around date of next SSTC meeting Mike A 2016-11-30
For General Meeting of GHRA, make a list to see if there is interest in a children’s club Nyomie F 2016-11-30
Talk to Sue about the potential for using the school in the summer Nyomie F 2016-11-30
Investigate possible funding for a GH party for MK’s 50th. Mike A 2016-11-30
Book venue for next meeting Mike A 2016-11-30
Update on discussions with Council about making a bench for GH from the tree felled from GH. Mike A 2016-11-30

GHRA Coffee Morning. Tuesday 14th March 2017

Coffee morning imageThank you to everyone who turned up to the GHRA’s second weekly coffee morning for a coffee and chat on Tuesday, we were again very pleased by the response. We are very lucky to have the support of Pastor Kumi and the facilities at the venue, he has confirmed our coffee morning and monthly meeting for the forthcoming year. We hope to develop more ideas that our community can adopt such as social evenings, bingo, whist drive, maybe a disco, anything is possible given time.

Someone asked if they could bring along friends who are not resident on Galley Hill and this of course is most welcome, the more the merrier.

The committee are still seeking court reps and are grateful to Vicky for volunteering to support Redbourne Court, we just need a volunteer for Rovely and Stanbridge now if any of you are keen to help.

We would like to remind everyone that there is a general meeting this Thursday (16th March 2017) at 19:00 in the Galley Hill Small Meeting Place above the shop.

Thanks to everyone who helped out today, hope to see you at one of the Galley Hill coffee mornings soon.

Nyomie, Mick, Roy & David.



GHRA First Coffee Morning.

Tuesday 7th March 2017Coffee morning image

Thank you to everyone who turned up for a coffee and chat on Tuesday, we were overwhelmed by the response and the messages of support from those who were at work or who couldn’t make it on the day.  It was good to see support from the headmaster  of Saint Mary Saint & Giles School Mr. Salter who is hoping to get volunteers to provide labour to help him refurbish the school, more information to follow.

It was also good to have the Stony Stratford Town Clerk Lynne Compton in attendance giving her full backing to the GHRA project.

We did hear that some people did not come as they were struggling for one reason or another. The committee and Court reps are here to help so if anyone wants to come along on any Tuesday contact us and we will arrange to help you get here.

Our thanks to pastor Khumi for providing the venue free of charge in the interest of fostering good community relations, the coffee morning is FREE but some people wanted to donate hopefully Pastor Khumi will accept these donations. The Pastor & Nyomie also provide biscuits and cakes which were much appreciated. Roy our treasurer also did a good job serving tea & coffee and washing up afterwards.

Whilst having a coffee and chat you can tell us what you would like to see at the coffee mornings and for other events the GHRA could organise for the community e.g. bingo, whist, disco etc.

We hope to see you there soon for one of our regular Tuesday coffee mornings

Love & kisses Nyomie (Galley Hill Residents Association Chairperson and the committee of the GHRA)

Constituency Boundary Changes Affecting Galley Hill.

It has been noted by the GHRA that Wolverton and Stony Stratford (including Galley Hill) are two of the areas affected by the proposed boundary changes for 2018. These changes are part of a government process to equalise the number of constituents per area, which in the case of Stony Stratford and Galley Hill means we will be moving into a different area, namely that of Buckinghamshire. So far we in the GHRA committee are unsure exactly what that means as far as services and dealing with local issues, but we are delving into this to find out how it affects us all, if it actually does.

For the purposes of clarification we are linking to the following extract from The Boundary Commission for England review of Parliamentary Constituencies, which we hope might help.

“The Borough of Milton Keynes is currently divided into two constituencies, both of which have electorates above the 5% limit. Additionally, the local government ward boundaries in the borough have also been modified. In order to reduce the electorates of the two Milton Keynes constituencies it is necessary to cross the boundary between the Borough of Milton Keynes and Buckinghamshire. We therefore propose to include the Wolverton and Stony Stratford wards of the Borough of Milton Keynes in our proposed Buckingham constituency.”

Full doc here http://boundarycommissionforengland.independent.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/2016-07-11-Guide-to-2018-review-Final-Version.pdf

Here is the boundary information https://www.bce2018.org.uk/

Here are two map extracts which visually indicate the change to our boundaries (taken from a zoomed in view at  http://constituencyboundaries.uk/2016/south-east )

The Purple line shows our current boundary


The Blue line shows our new boundary

and here is where people can comment https://www.bce2018.org.uk/node/add/informed-representation/6488

As we have already stated, we are delving into this issue more deeply, and will post any more information we can find right here as soon as we have any. If you are reading this and have any further insight, please contact us so we can share the information with everybody.

Thanks to David for his help in finding the appropriate links and extracts listed above.

UPDATE: From The FAQs at BCE consultation Portal (follow the link for more Frequently asked questions and answers)

No. The boundary changes only relate to parliamentary constituencies. Services and council tax charges in your local area are set by your local authority and these will not be affected. Insurance premium calculations are based on postcode so will not be affected.