Upcoming Events for Galley Hill

Starting this Sunday we have a busy few days for Galley Hill. It would be great to see some more residents getting involved in these events, so free up your diaries for these.

Firstly we will be organising our second Galley Hill Litter pick starting at 10:45 on Sunday 10th June. We will be meeting at the St. Mary St. Giles school (South Site on Galley Hill) and once again supported by the Stony Stratford Community Church.

Later on Sunday, as part of Stony Live there will be live music at St. Mary St. Giles school in Galley Hill. The band are called Fadin ‘ Shoes, and they aim to get you toe tapping and singing along, whilst playing instrumental and vocal arrangements of great tunes from  across the years. It starts at 3pm and goes on till 5 pm, the entrance is free.

And on Friday 15th June at 6:30pm there will be a quiz night. Once again the school will be the venue, and our very own Roy Adams will be the quizmaster. He will be presiding over 3 rounds of 10 questions per round, a coffee break (refreshments will be included in the £2 per team entry fee for teams of up to 6 members) during which there will be a picture question round. Finally there will be prizes for first and second highest scoring teams (One For All shopping vouchers).

We would love to see a good turnout for all the events, so please show your support and come along to as many as you can.

Thank you, the Committee of the GHRA.