AGM Results In

Firstly, the GHRA would like to thank everyone who came to our first ever AGM and helped to shape our committee for the coming year. After opening the meeting, our acting chairperson David Tavener stood down and the meeting was handed to the treasurer to chair the election of a chairperson. There was only one person standing for the post and nobody else offered when asked during the meeting, but David Tavener seemed to be the crowds choice anyway so he was reinstated as Chair.

With David as Chair the next was to elect a new Vice Chair, Doug Titchmarsh was nominated and voted in. Treasurer and Secretary followed similar trends as both outgoing members were nominated and voted back into their previous roles, so Treasurer is once again Roy Adams and our Secretary is Joy Sumner. Our recently added events team of Sue Titchmarsh and Kate Nichols were also kept in their posts.

With the committee voted in the meeting continued with the revelation that Roy Adams as also been accepted as the replacement Councillor to fill the position left when Mick Allsopp recently stepped down. The committee and all present thanked Mick for his previous good work in the role, and all agreed that having Roy as a replacement was great news for Galley Hill.

Roy held up the accounts for the year for approval, it was decided that an independent audit would be prudent before final approval. The meeting then turned to other matters for discussion, including speeding in the courts (sleeping policemen have been proposed for the Court entrances but needs discussion and resident input before anything is put forward either for or against), cardboard and other waste issues have been taken up with the MK Council.

Roy gave an update on the bench carving, which has been awaiting the schools input, a suggestion was made by Kate Nicholls that we instead follow the theme of the park, I.e. the mini beasts theme. David Taverner informed all present that Pete Marland, the MK Council Leader is to be present at our next meeting (21st June) to take question from Galley Hill Residents.

The GHRA newsletter, The Noose, needs an editor and sponsors. We are asking if anyone can help to edit the Noose and add relevant articles to it, can you help. David and Roy are approaching local businesses for sponsorship to pay the printing costs.

Roy and Dave also reported on the recent Fullers Slade meetings reference the regeneration project, and in particular how Galley Hill could be affected as the plans could include land up to the edge of Flitton Court. Mick Allsopp commented on longer term plans which could include Galley Hill even further. This is being monitored by the GHRA committee.

The next meeting is planned for the 21st June and will be a public meeting. Full minutes will be made available in the library section soon once they have been approved.

Thanks for your support,

The GHRA Committee