We need your help here at Galley Hill Residents Association, we need some new committee volunteers.
- The deadline for Vice Chair nominations has been pushed back 1 month to August 17th and for election to September, please nominate or volunteer to be our Vice Chair
The Events Organiser position is also up for election in September (nominations need to be in by August 17th)
- Please contact us either via court reps or the website if you would like to stand. You (or a proxy) will have to make a brief speech at the September meeting to support your bid before the meeting and this must be on the website by August committee meeting.
- Also vote for a new Chairperson in November (nominations must be in by October!)
Please help us to fill these positions, comment below to volunteer or nominate someone before our next meeting on 17th August at the Small Meeting Place above the Galley Hill shop.