Here are the minutes of the meeting of the GHRA held on 18th May 2017, compiled by GHRA Secretary Joy Sumner
Minutes: General Open Meeting #5
Thursday, 18th May, 2017 (7pm)
Small Meeting Place Galley Hill
Present | Absent |
NF: Nyomie Flecknell (Chair/Clailey) JS: Joy Sumner (Secretary) MA: Mick Allsopp PF: Paul Flecknell DoT: Doug Titchmarsh
See sign-up sheet for other attendees |
RA: Roy Adams (Treasurer/Cottesloe) DaT: David Tavener (Creslow)
Order of Business
- Welcome and H&S – done
- Apologies– done
- Formal approval of previous minutes (available online at – done
- Items for discussion
- Local activities
- Coffee mornings – These are running and attendance is good
- Discos & picnics – This is being delayed until we have insurance, which the committee is currently investigating
- Open Garden & Counts Competition – Looking for signs of interest
- Milton Keynes at 50 – In June there will be many events taking place, however GH is 50 in five years’ time, which will be when we run events. The local head teacher is keen to get engaged in different events.
- Local activities
We are also looking at getting a memorial bench. There have been promising meetings with SSTC. There are also questions about having local children in a competition to design the bench.
- Christmas Events (singing/Santa) – Carried over until next meeting.
- Funding – We now have a bank account, so we can officially apply for grants.
However, we need to apply for grants which require particular activities.
- Communication
- “Noose” newsletter – Attendees all said that they received this. We received compliments in it. We are hoping to build this up over time and are also keen to attract sponsorship. Any events about local events or events that local people are volunteering will be gratefully received as short articles.
- “Friends of Galley Hill” Facebook page – About half of attendees have signed up.
- Notice board – This is being very slow to move – however the town clerk is looking into this.
- Website – – This is kept up to date and also has a calendar with upcoming events. It also has a web-form to contact the council. Minutes are kept on the website. (If you cannot access the webpage, copies of the minutes will be available at the meetings for you to look though.)
- Communication
- Problems
- Trees/leaves/landscaping – The last tree maintenance for the estate was a long time ago, and this will be raised at the next council meeting. (Adam to speak on this to the Parish Council)
- Antisocial parking – This is a long-standing problem and there may not be a quick fix, however the parking makes it difficult for people to access their homes, road-sweepers to remove leaves (preventing clogged drains), etc.
- Pathway/road problems – This may be possible to tackle in the medium term if we act as a community. (Debbie to speak on this to the Parish Council)
- Other – Rubbish put outside at the wrong time (consistently). The fire-brigade has been contacted, but this isn’t currently considered a fire hazard. (Nyomie on behalf for Mrs? to speak on this to the Parish Council)
- Problems
Loud music out of hours has also been raised by several people.
If you have problematic/anti-social issues, please keep a note. This can then be raised with the parish council.
Speakers please come to the June committee meeting so that they can discuss this.
- Any other business
Mick has stepped down as vice-chair of GHRA (after 6 months of teething for GHRA), but will remain as our liaison officer to SSTC.
There will be an election for vice chair in 2 months’ time (July meeting). Please stand! The nominations will be open for the next month (until 15th June committee meeting). Voting will then take place over the following month until the next open meeting (20th July). Nominees statements will be posted on the website. Votes can either be made in person at the July meeting or via email to the committee before the July meeting.
Next parish council meeting will be at Galley Hill (on 18th July, 7pm at the small meeting place above the shop). All local councillors will be here. Please save the date and come along to meet them all. However, for this to work, volunteers to speak for the whole estate on specific items will strengthen the case. We would like volunteers to do this. Ideally we will have 3 questions.
The 2017 street map of Milton Keynes now how Galley Hill back on the map. Thanks to Mick and Mr Robert Gifford.
Garage on Lambert Court was broken into – if you have any information, please get in contact with the police.
Reminder to complete Neighbourhood Watch forms.
- Dates of next meetings:
General Meeting | Committee Meeting |
15th June | |
20th July | 17th August |
21st September | 19th October |
16th November | 14th December |
Other Key Meetings
Event | Date |
Parish Council Meeting at GH! | Tue, (18th) July at 7pm
(Galley Hill Small Meeting Place |
AGM annual general meeting
AIM added in meeting (not on original agenda)
AOB any other business
FSRA Fullers Slade Residents Association
GH Galley Hill
GHRA Galley Hill Residents Association
H&S health and safety
MKC Milton Keynes Council
SSTC Stony Stratford Town Council
Disclaimer: Every attempt has been made to make this document a true and representative recording of events. If you have a concern about the content, please contact the committee as soon as is reasonably practical.
Action | On? | Date Set | Update |
Request an additional dog bin at the Galley Hill/Fullers Slade boundary where there is currently no bin. If possible, this should be at a suitable height for wheelchair users.
Committee | 16/03/2017 | On going |
Look into getting additional litter bins.
Committee | 16/03/2017 | On going |
Coffee morning (Tuesday 10-12) volunteers wanted.
GH residents | 16/03/2017 | On going |
Investigate the possibility of advertising the coffee mornings in the shop window.
Committee | 16/03/2017 | Carried over |
If you are interested in submitting an article for GH newsletter, Noose, please get in contact via the website.
GH residents | 16/03/2017 | This action repeats – our first newsletter has been successfully delivered |
Invite PCSOs to one of the coming meetings.
Committee | 16/03/2017 | Carried over |