Report: GHRA meeting 18th May 2017

The public meeting of the Galley Hill Residents Association (GHRA) on 18th May was once again well attended, with some now familiar faces attending once again.  While it is great to see those regular attendees who the committee would like to thank for their ongoing support, it would be even better to see more of the Galley Hill residents attend to offer their views (and any help they can give) so we know we are doing the right things.

On the way in people were asked to sign the register of attendees for fire safety reasons, and the minutes of the last meeting were made available by our secretary, Joy, who had once again done an excellent behind the scenes job of compiling and  bringing copies of the minutes and the agenda for the meeting along for all to see. The meeting was started by Chairperson Nyomie with the usual Health And Safety and welcome message. Then Vice Chairperson, Mick Allsopp spoke about the ongoing issues of the tree trunk bench for MK50 and the movement of the noticeboard for which permission has been granted but the Council have placed a fair way down on their list. Plans for the GHRA disco have had to be put on hold pending Public Liability Insurance being acquired, an unfortunate necessity in these modern times, but it is still very much on the cards for the future. It was decided that it was too early to make Christmas plans, and maybe a little late for the Milton Keynes 50 event to be organised, but we are all welcome to the event being organised by our neighbours at Fullers Slade RA – Back To The Future on 24th June 2017.

During the meeting it was also noted that our AGM was supposed to be arranged for May. It was agreed by all present that as the GHRA only really got started at the beginning of the year it would be a little soon to start changing the committee around and confuse matters. Following this, Mick Allsopp dropped the bombshell that he was to step down as the Vice Chairman to concentrate on his work as a Councillor for Galley Hill, and to better act as liaison between GHRA and the relevant Councils. We all thank Mick for his hard work and dedication to the GHRA, and for all he does for the residents as our local Councillor. He has also promised to still be there to help the GHRA as much as he can, and we all know he won’t be able to walk away that easily 🙂
This leaves the GHRA with an opening for a new Vice Chairperson, so we are looking for volunteers or nominations for the role. This mainly involves being back up for our Chairperson, Nyomie Flecknell, who is doing a great job at the head of the committee but needs a little support and cover for the times she isn’t available. If you would like to be involved in the committee, and can spare a little time then we need applicants before the next Committee meeting, Thursday, 15 June. All potential candidates will be posted on all of our communication platforms (here, the Friends Of Galley Hill Facebook group, and hopefully our next newsletter) and at the public meeting in July all people present will be able to vote on who they would like to see as the new vice chairperson.

A show of hands was requested to see who had seen the GHRA newsletter which had been distributed recently. Most of those present had seen it, and all who had read it gave positive feedback. A quick request for future sponsors for the newsletter was made (if you would like to sponsor an issue, please contact us for details).

The meeting was opened up to the public, and anti-social parking, rubbish, overgrown trees and falling leaves were discussed. It was agreed that to take these complaints forward they need to be put to the Council at a public meeting to be held on Galley Hill in June (date TBC) and 3 volunteers have agreed to stand up and push three of these issues into the limelight at the meeting on behalf of all of us.

All too soon time had run out, and the meeting was closed. A big thank you to all who attended, volunteered, and to Pastor Kumi for the use of the facilities once again.

Thank you all,
The Galley Hill Residents Association Committee.