It’s going to be a busy time in Galley Hill for the coming week. The Galley Hill Residents Association have a few things planned and we would love to see some of the residents there.
Firstly we have our second Easter Egg Hunt on the 13th April at the St. Mary St. Giles School. Entry is free for all, from 12pm until 2:00pm. You can leave your purses and wallets at home, as there will be free refreshments, free eggs for all the children who complete the egg hunt as well as crafts and a free prize draw to win one of 10 Easter themed toys kindly donated by a GH resident.
All from Galley Hill and our neighbouring areas (Fullers Slade, Stony Stratford etcetera) are welcome to join us on the day.

Next on the list of things to do is the litter pick on 14th of April at 10:45 outside the St. Mary St. giles School. As always we are looking for volunteers to help us pick up litter around Galley Hill to make the area we live in just a little bit nicer. Just an hour out of a Sunday morning can make a huge difference. As usual we will be assisted by the Stony Stratford Community Church volunteers, who also supply the equipment to help with the task.
Finally for the week, we have the GHRA monthly meeting at the Small Meeting place above the shop, at 7pm on Thursday the 18th of April. It would be nice to see some new faces alongside our regulars, and hear what you think needs to be done to make Galley Hill a better place to live.
Also, don’t forget our coffee mornings at the small meeting place every Tuesday morning from 10am until 12 am, free coffee or tea, biscuits and sometimes cakes too. Come along and say “hi” to some of your neighbours.
Finally, as always, thanks for all the support for the Galley Hill Residents Association, from all of the GHRA committee.