Please support the events team and bring along some children for some fun, finding Easter eggs and making things.
The Committee of the Galley Hill Residents Association
Please support the events team and bring along some children for some fun, finding Easter eggs and making things.
The Committee of the Galley Hill Residents Association
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I would like to book 2 tickets for the easter egg hunt but cannot find where to book them.
3.more tickets required here please .
Thanks Paul Randall
Hi Debby and Paul, if you can drop off 50p for each child in an envelope to 28 Clailey, and write your name and childrens names on the envelope then that would be great.
Hi Douglas, I would also like 3 tickets please. Is it okey to drop the money round today (23rd march) ? many thanks Kimberley
That’s fine Kimberley.
Thanks for supporting the event everyone.
We would like two tickets pls.
We have you all on our list so far, thank you for letting us know numbers.