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Useful resources And Links For Milton Keynes Residents – Corona Virus

In these uncertain times we at the GHRA would like to remind everyone that the most crucial piece of advice right now is to STAY INDOORS as much as possible. We at the GHRA have ceased all meetings, and cancelled any events we had planned for the foreseeable future, in line with current government rulings. We also wanted to point you to some useful information to help you stay informed and safe in the current pandemic crisis, so please follow the links below.

Community Action MK Supporting the voluntary and community sector of Milton Keynes – helpful information on how best to find help or offer help in your local community

The Food Bank is operating a helpline for people who can not get to the 3 serving stations to find out their options for receiving food parcels.  This line is open now  01908 565852.  Please can you promote this any way possible for them.

To update you if you are not already aware, they are still asking for food donations which people can give when they visit supermarkets.  They are also asking for money so will be ramping up their grant applications.   The Food Bank is moving into Saxon Court for three months, MKC staff are being redeployed to work there.  They do not need extra volunteers but we have been directing people who we know and trust and want to help to GP Surgeries to act as runners.

https://www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/your-council-and-elections/coronavirus-how-you-can-help Milton Keynes Council and MK Community Foundation are launching a special appeal fund, MK Emergency Response Appeal, to which people can donate to support MK charities and community groups helping to support vulnerable people through the coronavirus outbreak.


Government launches Coronavirus Information Service on WhatsApp get the latest government information delivered to your Whatsapp inbox and stay informed.

Mental health
Kooth is a website that children and young people can use to get advice, support and guidance for any problem. They can connect to this anonymous and free service which is available every day via their laptop, tablet or smartphone at www.kooth.com 
Sleepio is an online sleep improvement programme, proven to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep through the night, and give you more energy during the day. You can learn more about who Sleepio is suitable for here.

Carers MK have postponed all groups, workshops, activities etc. until they can re-start face to face services again. Carers can still contact them during the operational hours of 9-5 Monday – Friday, although they will offer some flexibility if a carer needs a call a bit later than this. 01908 231703
They are asking all carers registered with them to share their email address if they have one. This will help keep them informed of service changes via a Carers MK monthly e-bulletin.

Physical Activity
Have a look at the NHS Fitness Studio which is packed full of tips and videos.
Connect Health provides a first tier physiotherapy service in Milton Keynes. Their website has section that patients can access to help them get information on how to manage many musculoskeletal conditions.

General Health & Wellbeing
5 Ways to Wellbeing are a great way to think about steps you can take to maintain and improve your health and wellbeing. More information is available here.

 Stony Stratford Town Council now have a Coronavirus Information and  Support section in the Town Council website.  http://www.stonystratford.gov.uk/community/coronavirus-information-and-support

We hope this helps, please stay safe, stay 2 metres apart and stay indoors as much as possible.
The GHRA Committee

Added for informational purposes

Business expert have added a comprehensive guide to How to Spot, Avoid and Report Fake Cheque Scams, plus information on how to keep yourself safe.

It can be found here: https://www.businessexpert.co.uk/fake-cheque-scams/