Tag Archives: coffee morning

GHRA Coffee Morning Christmas Opening

The usual crew will be opening the Small Meeting Place for the Coffee Mornings as usual (10:00 till 12:00 noon)on Tuesday December 12th, and December 19th but they will be taking a rest over the Xmas week. The 2nd of January will see the first Coffee Morning of 2018.

The GHRA Coffee Mornings are still growing, as you can see from the pictures below.

It would be great to see more of those who are usually working attend if you can on any of these Tuesdays.

Thanks for your support

The Galley Hill Residents Association Committee

GHRA Coffee Morning. Tuesday 14th March 2017

Coffee morning imageThank you to everyone who turned up to the GHRA’s second weekly coffee morning for a coffee and chat on Tuesday, we were again very pleased by the response. We are very lucky to have the support of Pastor Kumi and the facilities at the venue, he has confirmed our coffee morning and monthly meeting for the forthcoming year. We hope to develop more ideas that our community can adopt such as social evenings, bingo, whist drive, maybe a disco, anything is possible given time.

Someone asked if they could bring along friends who are not resident on Galley Hill and this of course is most welcome, the more the merrier.

The committee are still seeking court reps and are grateful to Vicky for volunteering to support Redbourne Court, we just need a volunteer for Rovely and Stanbridge now if any of you are keen to help.

We would like to remind everyone that there is a general meeting this Thursday (16th March 2017) at 19:00 in the Galley Hill Small Meeting Place above the shop.

Thanks to everyone who helped out today, hope to see you at one of the Galley Hill coffee mornings soon.

Nyomie, Mick, Roy & David.