GHRA needs your help

Our local Councillor has been sent a request with reference to planting a tree (or trees) as outlined below. We need your help to designate an area where a tree could be planted in our area. So let’s hear your ideas for where we could plant a tree in Galley Hill. Comment below.

Tree funding and the Queens Platinum Jubilee

Thanks to the support from a number of Parish and Town Councils Milton Keynes Council has secured funding from the Forestry Commission’s Local Authorities Treescape Fund to plant 400 trees in Milton Keynes.

The funding supports the Queen’s Green Canopy, a tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022 which invites people from across the United Kingdom to “Plant a Tree for the Jubilee” – The web site  contains lots of detail on how and where to plant trees and allows you to mark the tree on a canopy map of the UK.

We will be sourcing trees in three broad categories, small, medium, and large and can provide up to ten trees per Parish / Town Council. We cannot be specific regarding the exact species as stock and availability are subject to high demand. 

Along with the trees we will provide tree stakes, ties, and water bags to help the trees to establish. Hopefully a tree can be paired with a local resident or residents who can fill the watering bags, further guidance will be provided. 

The trees should be planted on public open space, either MKC or the Parish / Town Council land, the location of the planted trees will need to be supplied as it is a condition of the funding. To ensure the trees can reach their full potential they should be planted away from buildings, roads, lamp columns and other utilities.