To all residents of Fullers Slade, Galley Hill and Stony Stratford Town
Your Annual Town Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 24th April 2019 At Stony Stratford Library, 5-7 Church Street, Stony Stratford MK11 1BD
Starting at 7.30pm
- To present the Annual Community Award 2018
- To receive apologies for absence
- To accept minutes of the Annual Town Meeting held on 12th April 2018 as a true record
- To receive the Annual Report of the Chair of Stony Stratford Town Council, Cllr Robert Gifford
- Any questions?
- Presentations from candidates who will be standing for the Stony Stratford Ward in the forthcoming elections
- Questions
Please remember that this is not a meeting of the Town Council. This is your meeting so come along and have your say. Ask questions and we’ll try to answer them.
Convened by Robert Gifford, Chair
Stony Stratford Town Council, April 2019