Looking back over the past few weeks, we have been busy here in Galley Hill and we haven’t had much time to update you all. Hopefully this will help make amends as we report on the events which have been and will be keeping us all busy.
We will start with the recent visit to the GHRA meeting by Stony in Bloom’s Judy Deveson. Judy told us about the history and work of the Stony In Bloom team, in Stony Stratford and the surrounding areas including Galley Hill. You may not know their work, but you will most likely have admired the beautiful flower beds they take responsibility for in our area including the one by the Caterpillar park and the lovely displays at the entrances to Galley Hill which burst forth in red roses every year.
Stony In Bloom are currently looking for volunteers to help them keep the flower beds looking splendid all year round, so if you are interested in helping out then you can contact them via Judy
Please consider helping out the SIB team if you can spare a little time.
Thanks to all the people from Fullers Slade and Galley Hill who turned up to help.
Firstly, on the 11th of December we are going to be carol singing around the courts of Galley Hill. If you would like to get involved then the singers will be meeting at the SMSG School in Galley Hill from 6pm. Rumours of mince pies and hot drinks afterwards are being confirmed by our events team as true.
On the 15th December the GHRA events team are organising a Christmas event at SMSG school. This will start at 12:00 and finish at 15:00, we will have craft activities for children, a SANTA hunt, free entry into a raffle and a free gift for each child who attends. The whole event is free thanks to GHRA funding gained from the various Councils. It would be great to see you at this event which is open to all of our neighbouring estates too!
The Galley Hill Residents Association Committee
It was great to come to talk to the Galley Hill Residents Group about Stony in Bloom – what a friendly reception! And I was very excited to hear of the wild life area that you’re developing. Thank you, Roy, for inviting me, and thank you to Doug for publicising the fact that we give a warm reception to any new Stony in Bloom volunteers. Do get in touch if you’d like to join us.
Judy Deveson, Chair of Stony in Bloom
Thank you for coming to our meeting and telling us all about the Stony in Bloom team and it’s work. We hope you will get some volunteers from Galley Hill from this too.