GHRA – What’s Happening

No we haven’t disappeared off the face of the earth, it’s just been quiet here because things have been happening behind the scenes. Things like:-

We have been working on making it even easier to contact us at your Residents Association and we now have a new telephone number (thanks Dave) .
Just call on 01908 973073  leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can. This is also on our Contacts Page along with all of the other ways for you to get in touch.

Also some of you may have received the GHRA newsletter through your letterbox by now, if not it should be delivered very soon.  GHRA newsletter can be downloaded here if you haven’t received it.  Please take a little time out of your busy days to read it and let us know if there’s anything you liked, or didn’t like about it.  It would be great to hear from people if they have anything they would like to see in the next newsletter, or from any local companies who would like to sponsor a newsletter in the future as they cost money to print. Thanks to the sponsors of this newsletter, AW Diesel Services who paid for the newsletter to be printed for all the  houses in Galley Hill.

We have also finally got the bank account opened after much hard work by our treasurer, Roy who has been trying to get the rest of us to sign forms, which has been like herding cats for him. He has managed it though, and we now need to start filling it with money to spend on local community projects and events, if you feel like donating a little to help with the community events we will shortly have details posted on how you can donate (there is some information on making a donation contained in the newsletter, see the link above).

Plans are in progress for a disco and other events for the local community, but we need to set up insurances before any events can be organised, which again costs money. Hopefully we can get some local government help, but once again donations would help speed things up.
The coffee mornings are still being organised at the small meeting place above the shop every Tuesday morning from 10 am to 12 and all are welcome.

Finally, there is a public meeting of the Galley Hill Residents Association on Thursday 18th May. All Galley Hill Residents are invited to attend to have their say on matters concerning the area.

Thanks for reading this far, The GHRA committee hopes to hear from you soon.