Actions: Committee Meeting #1 Wednesday, 30th November, 2016 (7pm)


Present Absent
NF:  Nyomie Flecknell (Chair)

JS:  Joy Sumner (Secretary)

RA:  Roy Adams (Treasurer)

MA:  Mick Allsopp

DaT: David Tavener

DoT: Doug Titchmarsh

No one



Action On? Date Set Update
Handover discussion for relevant communications Doug T/ Dave T 2016-11-30
Update the constitution as noted in minutes Joy S 2016-11-30
Discuss registering GHRA with the council Nyomie F 2016-11-30
Investigate possibilities for a GHRA domain Doug T 2016-11-30
Investigate options for a GHRA bank account Roy A 2016-11-30
Find volunteers for court reps Dave T 2016-11-30
Scan and circulate email with first copy of Noose Mike A 2016-11-30
Send around date of next SSTC meeting Mike A 2016-11-30
For General Meeting of GHRA, make a list to see if there is interest in a children’s club Nyomie F 2016-11-30
Talk to Sue about the potential for using the school in the summer Nyomie F 2016-11-30
Investigate possible funding for a GH party for MK’s 50th. Mike A 2016-11-30
Book venue for next meeting Mike A 2016-11-30
Update on discussions with Council about making a bench for GH from the tree felled from GH. Mike A 2016-11-30